Hello SG land! A lots of news from me!
My brand new set ''FILM ADDICT" is in MR now, so go watch and love it!
This set is about my passion - take pictures with a film camera!
This set was shot in Odessa, I went there with a friends for a paintball championship. We had a wonderful time together and one of my friends was a photographer, and we decided to make this set!
One more news is - I become a backer for "The Choice is Ours" documentary series by The Venus Project. It is a big honor for me to contribute to the future of the world.
I donated $ 500 for this project because the world needs too change and better future starts with us! Support TVP on Kickstarter! <3
Thanks for all, friends!

I have heard what is going on in your country. I hope you and your friends and family are safe.

aww fucking perfect lady!!! nice pics! I really love taking pictures with my SLR :) hopefully one day I can take some pictures of you <3