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thanks for all y'all's birthday wishes; this one (#22) proved to be the best since 18.
so, i've been away so long a'cause i got a bigger than usual paycheck 2 weeks ago, and decided to finally buy myself a PS2 as a present for myself...and now i remember why i put off buying one in the first place: I've been letting it take up all my free time
(leave it to me to neglect naked ladies for video games
so that's pretty much it; yes, my life is quite boring
so how all y'all been?
thanks for all y'all's birthday wishes; this one (#22) proved to be the best since 18.

so, i've been away so long a'cause i got a bigger than usual paycheck 2 weeks ago, and decided to finally buy myself a PS2 as a present for myself...and now i remember why i put off buying one in the first place: I've been letting it take up all my free time

so that's pretty much it; yes, my life is quite boring

so how all y'all been?
i want.