at the moment, i cannot think of a thing to say that would come close to being able to describe what all these pictures i'll just let them speak for themselves (with captions)...
My Cousin's Wedding: Covington, WA; 07-09-05
(note: nothing is wrong with the pics. it's just that all these people might not appreciate having their faces posted all over the net--let alone a "pornographic" website such as this. I've done my best to alter their apperences, so as to hide their identity; while also showing you the emotive values of their faces. if'n you ask nicely, perhaps i'll allow you to see the unadulterated pics
groom and groomsmen
bridesmaids' footwear
one of the ringbearers
the flowergirl was A-DOR-A-BLE!!
it was nice to have to lood all the way up to see the treetops
the photographer's assistant caught me staring at her bum
, so she gave me the ol' "take a picture, it will last longer!"...with a
pay attention to her veil; my aunt made it for less than $10
I should note here that the pastor got choked up during all this...
the bride sure did make lot's of funny faces (and the flower girl is not their child...FYI)
she enjoyed twirling around in well as lifting up her dress
the entire wedding party (sans the third from left; he's the made of honor's BF, but i'm not sure why he's up there, seeing as he's not in the "official" wedding party)
they were too nice aboot the shoving the cake in each other's mouths
bride and father; groom and mother
these two girls would eventually start binding me with duct tape: legs, arms, mouth, etc. getting a kick out of the pain they inflicted (thought i was jus' playing along, letting them think they were ripping out hair)
it was cloudy the day we left; this is the top of the clouds was awesome watching them undulate like a sea
this is the only way i've ever seen the grand canyon "in person"
perhaps someday i'll get up there
all i have left to say now is: I WANT TO GET MARRIED!! I admit, I am a bit jealous of my cousin and his wife; and their love of each other. it makes me wonder if my time will ever come...
I am in love with the pacific northwest!! I wish to move up there before i'm 30 (that gives me aboot 8 years to get my shit in order)
My Cousin's Wedding: Covington, WA; 07-09-05
(note: nothing is wrong with the pics. it's just that all these people might not appreciate having their faces posted all over the net--let alone a "pornographic" website such as this. I've done my best to alter their apperences, so as to hide their identity; while also showing you the emotive values of their faces. if'n you ask nicely, perhaps i'll allow you to see the unadulterated pics

groom and groomsmen

bridesmaids' footwear

one of the ringbearers

the flowergirl was A-DOR-A-BLE!!

it was nice to have to lood all the way up to see the treetops

the photographer's assistant caught me staring at her bum

pay attention to her veil; my aunt made it for less than $10

I should note here that the pastor got choked up during all this...


the bride sure did make lot's of funny faces (and the flower girl is not their child...FYI)

she enjoyed twirling around in well as lifting up her dress

the entire wedding party (sans the third from left; he's the made of honor's BF, but i'm not sure why he's up there, seeing as he's not in the "official" wedding party)

they were too nice aboot the shoving the cake in each other's mouths

bride and father; groom and mother

these two girls would eventually start binding me with duct tape: legs, arms, mouth, etc. getting a kick out of the pain they inflicted (thought i was jus' playing along, letting them think they were ripping out hair)

it was cloudy the day we left; this is the top of the clouds was awesome watching them undulate like a sea

this is the only way i've ever seen the grand canyon "in person"

perhaps someday i'll get up there
all i have left to say now is: I WANT TO GET MARRIED!! I admit, I am a bit jealous of my cousin and his wife; and their love of each other. it makes me wonder if my time will ever come...

I am in love with the pacific northwest!! I wish to move up there before i'm 30 (that gives me aboot 8 years to get my shit in order)


funny faces...