oh man where to start so far......this weekend has been a tad eventful but nothing totally insane..as the normal week goes we play we practice and we all work..well most of us work. I got a text from my friend Tara saying they are playing peoria, So of course me and my boy Shawn and my boy Corey all drive down to Peoria, not to long of a drive just about 2 hours. We get there and Kittie is already playing so I never got a chance to say hello before she got on...but it's all good. So we watch them and when they are done we do our talking and bullshitting, then Soil plays which was interesting i've never seen those cats , very tight band. Didn't really do anything for me but good none the less...the new singer very much must share a closet with the singer from Avenged Sevenfold..they look 100% alike.
So we decide after the show to go to S.O.P.'s in Peoria, and by this time i'm a little tipsy and Corey is decent , Shawn hadn't drank yet. So we are literaly less then a block away from S.O.P's and we get pulled over...kinda shitty right. Well it gets a bit worse, Shawns drivers license is technically "invalidated" do to previous tickets or something, so the cop says oh I appreciate you trying to be a DD but here's a ticket for 43 in a 30 or something and a ticket for a invalidated drivers license...which is bullshit we were going 35 maybe. So that of course ruins our night..we try to have fun but it just doesn't happen, so I say by to Tara through text and we head home..we get home about 5:30 a.m. and Corey has to be at work at 7:30 so boo to that hahhah.
So saturday we have a show...which might I add wasn't fun for me. We blew the power out in the place 2 times...leaving me unhappy so afterwards we all go out and drink as a band and just a bunch of friends...I don't think i've ever seen Shawn so hammered hahah cept maybe when we played with Bobaflex it was so funny, needless to say saturday made up for friday and today is def. my lazy day..little words of advice..if you ever want food..DONT GO TO DEL TACO..boo to that fucking place..I want panda express...I'm out. OUR THOUGHTS ON PEORIA COPS....
So we decide after the show to go to S.O.P.'s in Peoria, and by this time i'm a little tipsy and Corey is decent , Shawn hadn't drank yet. So we are literaly less then a block away from S.O.P's and we get pulled over...kinda shitty right. Well it gets a bit worse, Shawns drivers license is technically "invalidated" do to previous tickets or something, so the cop says oh I appreciate you trying to be a DD but here's a ticket for 43 in a 30 or something and a ticket for a invalidated drivers license...which is bullshit we were going 35 maybe. So that of course ruins our night..we try to have fun but it just doesn't happen, so I say by to Tara through text and we head home..we get home about 5:30 a.m. and Corey has to be at work at 7:30 so boo to that hahhah.
So saturday we have a show...which might I add wasn't fun for me. We blew the power out in the place 2 times...leaving me unhappy so afterwards we all go out and drink as a band and just a bunch of friends...I don't think i've ever seen Shawn so hammered hahah cept maybe when we played with Bobaflex it was so funny, needless to say saturday made up for friday and today is def. my lazy day..little words of advice..if you ever want food..DONT GO TO DEL TACO..boo to that fucking place..I want panda express...I'm out. OUR THOUGHTS ON PEORIA COPS....
Is that place like KFP- Kuntucky Fried Panda? "It's finger-ling-ling good!"