So, I still need to clean my apartment. I haven't had anyone over since Easter, and that only happened because my best friend and I got really drunk at the bar down the road and I wouldn't let him drive home, so we ended up playing Rock Band 2 until he sobered up. I'm wasting tons of money on this place. It's convenient, quiet, and safe, but I'm lonely as fuck. I even took a second cat from a friend just 'cause I was bored.
More Blogs
Tuesday Feb 15, 2011
I'm back home in Milwaukee now. It's good to be back. -
Sunday Feb 13, 2011
So, I got depressed and stupid in Spain, and my month long trip turne… -
Friday Jan 07, 2011
I don't believe in love at first sight. I believe in lust at first si… -
Monday Oct 25, 2010
So, about three years ago my friend and I decided we wanted to go to … -
Tuesday Oct 19, 2010
I put my cats up for adoption yesterday. It's something I've been th… -
Friday Dec 04, 2009
I hate the cold. I only moved to Wisconsin because I was offered a j… -
Saturday Nov 28, 2009
I played "body jewelry connection" with a stripper. Best. Thanksgiv… -
Sunday Nov 15, 2009
So, Chat got me hungry for taquitos. I went to Walgreens, and they w… -
Sunday Nov 01, 2009
I need to stop being shy in the real world. The end. -
Monday Oct 26, 2009
So, I still need to clean my apartment. I haven't had anyone over si…