doo-da doo-da doo-da-day!!!
I'm in a very good mood at the moment...main reason being I'm getting inked on saturday Yay!!!!
I had a fabbity fab wkend, went to bude to see my goddaughter for her 1st birthday....ah bless her lil cotton sox she's such a cutie pie, just wish I cud bottle her cute factor and bring it home to sprinkle on the monsters I work with!!!
me and the boyfriend are havin serious discussions about movin in january.....OMG!! thats not that long!!! I'm terrified and excited and explosively happy all at the same time, its kinda strange cuz we've been together for like 8 years minus a few on/off, on/off on/off months so it shouldnt be a big deal but it IS! cuz I'll have to share the bathroom and he'll have to share his laptop and we'll have to compromise!!!!
I had my hair done on tuesday.. felt like a bit of a change was in order so I had my blonde streaks dyed emerald green and lilac... looked amazin on wednesday but by sunday it had completely washed out so needless to say I am not amused and will be visiting the hairdresser tomorrow after work to kick sum ass as it cost me 50!!!!!!
Hopefully I will find time at the wkend to update my pics... I have more drunken girls nite out pics (it was a mates birthday and we went out as GI Janes) I'm not in that many but will check with the others to see if they have any amusin pics of my drunkeness to add... I dont know how I survived the nite cuz I was so drunk I couldnt even stand up by the time i went home
will also have sum pics of my tattoo's including the new one and if I can find them I'll add a couple of my cutie pie goddaughter from the wkend....all together now ahhh!
anyway enough idle chit chat I have to finish the IT assignment I'm supposed to be doin before anyone notices!!!!
take care
look forward to the ink pictures. i wont some new ink, arrrrrrrr.