34 Seconds Movie is LIVE on Kickstarter!!!!!CHECK IT ==> www.34secondsmovie.com Three years ago, our team ventured through the internationalgates leading to Mexico to get to the bottom of a story. What wefound led us to today. Set against the turbulent atmosphere of theUS - Mexico border, 34 Seconds is a feature -length documentaryexploring the death of a number of children in association withU.S. immigration policy.The journey continues but it is one more step to get us closer tofinishing the film. Please take 2 minutes to go to our page, checkout our project, and consider supporting our campaign. Also, youcan help us out by sharing the campaign with others. It takes avillage and we could not be more appreciative of the support.Help us get this film out into the world.“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, gotogether.”African proverb.THANK YOU SO MUCH!!Take the journey with us at www.34secondsmovie.com
this is such a great campaign and I support it whole heartily