I have my oral surgery today and I'm kind of freaking out. I go in at 1:30 and should be out around 4. If I don't just head straight to bed, I'll give you all an update on how it went. Fuck, I'm terrified of the dentist! I want to fast forward to next week. I've had to pop a xanax twice today just to not lock myself in my room and refuse to come out. But I know I have to go *sigh* so I will and get it over with. At least I don't have to go back to work until next week. That's right, I'll be stalking all of you, high on painkillers all week long!!! Get ready!
And it would be nice to come back and see some more comments on this after all I have to go through today...(picture me making a pouty face here).
We got Grand Theft Auto IV today
Wish me luck everyone, and send me interesting messages and comments to distract me from my inevitable pain
Edited to add: Just heard Scarlett Johanssen's version of the Tom Waits song "Falling Down" and all I can say is HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I hope she had to give him a hummer to get the rights.
And it would be nice to come back and see some more comments on this after all I have to go through today...(picture me making a pouty face here).
We got Grand Theft Auto IV today

Wish me luck everyone, and send me interesting messages and comments to distract me from my inevitable pain

Edited to add: Just heard Scarlett Johanssen's version of the Tom Waits song "Falling Down" and all I can say is HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I hope she had to give him a hummer to get the rights.

Feel better and get lost in GTA 4