So...just a warning, randomness ensues below.
I made an appointment with my tattoo artist, Megan for April 26th (the first Saturday apppintment she has) and I am so fucking stoked. I have been so excited about my new tattoo for a while, but lacked the funds to do it. It's gonna be half on my boob, have on my ribs and it's gonna suck, but so worth it. It will be text and I have the font picked out, but what color? It is a bit of a papery old-style font as it is a quote by the incredible 13th century poet Rumi and I think black would be a bit too harsh. I do want it to stand out, so it needs to be a bit of a darker color, I'm thinking green or purple, but what do you think? I kind of like the idea of red, just because his poetry to me seems so...well, red. If it could be described in a color.
Also, I will be having needles violently jammed through both of my poor nipples. I haven't had the heart to tell them that yet, but they will find out soon enough. I just need to find a piercer in Southern Oregon who I can trust with my precious nips.
I made an appointment with my tattoo artist, Megan for April 26th (the first Saturday apppintment she has) and I am so fucking stoked. I have been so excited about my new tattoo for a while, but lacked the funds to do it. It's gonna be half on my boob, have on my ribs and it's gonna suck, but so worth it. It will be text and I have the font picked out, but what color? It is a bit of a papery old-style font as it is a quote by the incredible 13th century poet Rumi and I think black would be a bit too harsh. I do want it to stand out, so it needs to be a bit of a darker color, I'm thinking green or purple, but what do you think? I kind of like the idea of red, just because his poetry to me seems so...well, red. If it could be described in a color.
Also, I will be having needles violently jammed through both of my poor nipples. I haven't had the heart to tell them that yet, but they will find out soon enough. I just need to find a piercer in Southern Oregon who I can trust with my precious nips.
After that I may be getting an industrial...although I'm a little scared of that. So I may change my mind, without notice.
I watched the documentary The Business of Being Born
the other night and it was awesome. I had to give props to Ricki Lake for putting such a personal experience on film. It sort of made me want to have another baby. I don't know why, but it kinda did. I am definitely not in the position to do that right now, but...awwwww they're cuddly.
I have taken to wearing red lipstick lately , not sure why.
Well I happen to love red lipstick and I'm in love with your nipples!
YOU rock!

The red lipstick looks great. Very glamorous. And red sounds good for the tat, if not thought what about a darker green?