Hows this? Another entry....Getting another tattoo tomorrow. Not sure why, well i know why ...just not sure why it has to be tomorrow and not later when I can actually afford it. Anyhow....ever tried to put a power steering hose on a 78 Ford Faimont XC GXL thats been fitted with an XF power steering pump and the new hose had to be modified to fit but nothing lines up and then you break you light and you cant seeand.... I'll finish it in the morning. Got 3 cars so who cares? Me coz ones a restorer. and ones supposed to be off the raod to be tidied up and the one that isnt working is supposed to be! Gotta love that dont ya?
More Blogs
Wednesday Jan 21, 2004
When I was sorta famous , a bloke used one of my songs in a movie cal… -
Monday Jan 19, 2004
David Hookes.......great cricketer,great coach ,great sports commenta… -
Tuesday Jan 06, 2004
I can count the number of people who are my friends on one hand. I c… -
Friday Jan 02, 2004
Thursday Dec 25, 2003
Boxing day. Can't go to the cricket, have to get together with my fam… -
Monday Dec 15, 2003
Ok, got my Dictators t shirt. Very hot the next few days and i have t… -
Monday Dec 08, 2003
Where is my Dictators t shirt? -
Monday Dec 08, 2003
Dealt with it. See what happens next. Hot today. Planned all that Chr… -
Saturday Dec 06, 2003
Did something stupid yesterday. Now I am in a spot of bother. -
Thursday Dec 04, 2003
Christmas.............makes me want to eat my own vomit. Bah Hum…