Hows this? Another entry....Getting another tattoo tomorrow. Not sure why, well i know why ...just not sure why it has to be tomorrow and not later when I can actually afford it. Anyhow....ever tried to put a power steering hose on a 78 Ford Faimont XC GXL thats been fitted with an XF power steering pump and the new hose had to be modified to fit but nothing lines up and then you break you light and you cant seeand.... I'll finish it in the morning. Got 3 cars so who cares? Me coz ones a restorer. and ones supposed to be off the raod to be tidied up and the one that isnt working is supposed to be! Gotta love that dont ya?
More Blogs
Wednesday Aug 15, 2007
Been a while. Im back!!!!!! -
Saturday Sep 04, 2004
Ok so I meet this girl, we get along, we have sex, she texts me sayin… -
Monday Aug 09, 2004
Alive....not fucking dead! -
Thursday Jul 01, 2004
Depression..... Fog..... Where is the light ? Damn I'm lonely.. L… -
Thursday Jun 24, 2004
My life is shit.... Not a day passes when I don't consider suicide. … -
Saturday Apr 17, 2004
Why can't I find a woman? Is it 1 Head like a busted arse 2 Single… -
Tuesday Mar 23, 2004
Suicide?..............................I'm not the type. -
Tuesday Mar 09, 2004
Getting a new dog next week. -
Thursday Feb 19, 2004
I'm just a scruffy cunt from Upwey.........why wont they leave me alo… -
Thursday Jan 29, 2004
Same shit......different day......