ok....still here...which is good. Much better ...thanks!. Got tattooed , felt GOOD. I'm gonna book in for another one next week....if I can get a time. Lots of silly little girls getting tatts they'll hate later in life taking up valuable tattoo time! Not depressed at the moment....and a kid free weekend coming up. (single dad) I think i will go to the bush and spend a bit of time doing nothing. Have been asked to a bbq by this girl I met ...she just wants to use me for sex...and I'm feeling all spiritual or something so I dont think I'll go...bush sounds the best bet...might catch up with dad and my brother too...have a couple of quiet beers...who knows? weather has improved so surfing is looking good ...not this week tho. Ok ..why is it when i ran my own business i was never late to a job and never in a hurry to get home? Yet now I'm an employee I can never get to work on time and I cant wait to leave?...Also.....Grey if you happen to read this ...I really don't know what a burritto is ...i know it's food but what sort exactly?
More Blogs
Wednesday Aug 15, 2007
Been a while. Im back!!!!!! -
Saturday Sep 04, 2004
Ok so I meet this girl, we get along, we have sex, she texts me sayin… -
Monday Aug 09, 2004
Alive....not fucking dead! -
Thursday Jul 01, 2004
Depression..... Fog..... Where is the light ? Damn I'm lonely.. L… -
Thursday Jun 24, 2004
My life is shit.... Not a day passes when I don't consider suicide. … -
Saturday Apr 17, 2004
Why can't I find a woman? Is it 1 Head like a busted arse 2 Single… -
Tuesday Mar 23, 2004
Suicide?..............................I'm not the type. -
Tuesday Mar 09, 2004
Getting a new dog next week. -
Thursday Feb 19, 2004
I'm just a scruffy cunt from Upwey.........why wont they leave me alo… -
Thursday Jan 29, 2004
Same shit......different day......
it's a flour tortilla wrapped around meat, beans, cheese, sour cream, lettuce, tomato, or whatever you wanna wrap it around. good shit.