I wish that holiday could have lasted forever. Today begins clean up from the last 12 days. Then tomorrow starts a new year of work and play. I hope I can make it a good one.
I lost some friendships over the holiday. One I needed to let go, and my load feels lighter because of it. The other was a long time friend who decided that a difference in opinion was enough to cut ties entirely in a somewhat immature way: via social networking. No private discussion about the misunderstanding, no phone call. Just a simple 'unfriend' and that's that. I guess a new year means new beginnings and 'cutting the fat' as it were. No time for silly arguments, and no room for folks who don't know how to apologize for misspeaking.
I feel really hopeful about this upcoming year. One remaining year of school and I will have earned my MBA. My Christmas gift this year will be a shiny new degree (and hopefully a promotion!). This past semester I dredged through what I believe to be the worst of the degree, so I'm hoping everything from here on out will feel easier. And I got through very much unscathed grades-wise, so I really can't complain.
Happy New Year, my old friends. Here's to making each consecutive year better than the last. <3
I lost some friendships over the holiday. One I needed to let go, and my load feels lighter because of it. The other was a long time friend who decided that a difference in opinion was enough to cut ties entirely in a somewhat immature way: via social networking. No private discussion about the misunderstanding, no phone call. Just a simple 'unfriend' and that's that. I guess a new year means new beginnings and 'cutting the fat' as it were. No time for silly arguments, and no room for folks who don't know how to apologize for misspeaking.
I feel really hopeful about this upcoming year. One remaining year of school and I will have earned my MBA. My Christmas gift this year will be a shiny new degree (and hopefully a promotion!). This past semester I dredged through what I believe to be the worst of the degree, so I'm hoping everything from here on out will feel easier. And I got through very much unscathed grades-wise, so I really can't complain.
Happy New Year, my old friends. Here's to making each consecutive year better than the last. <3
Congratulations on getting close to finishing up your degree

I really hope that you can make it to East Coast Camping this year! It seems like it's really happening and I'd love to hang out with you there.