I seem to start every Blog here by apologising for not posting anything for months, so I apologise for not posting anything for months.
Let's see, what have I been doing... we got a few new babies at work, I'd like to show you one, she's yet to be named, but she's very small
We've even had a family of Weasels establish themselves in our lemur walkthrough exhibit!
Errrm... went to see Muse at Wembley Stadium. Amazing show, probable highlight being the UFO during Exogenesis -
Went to a wedding back home, I went in a black leather jacket and sunglasses and so ended up getting a lot of Matrix comments, which I was fine with as the Matrix is badass. Me and a few others managed to get the DJ to play some RAWK at the reception, including the 9 minute version of Freebird! But then the DJ started getting complaints because of the rock! Massively infuriating, I didn't feel the need to protest the non-stop pop we had previously
We closed the wedding night with November Rain though
Here is me at the wedding with crazy eyes -
Oh, and I met a horse.
I even had a couple of dates with an actual girl. Lovely she was too, but she's leaving the country early next year to do MSc. field-work and then to Africa to do a PhD. so she doesn't want a relationship. Back to the drawing board then! When am I gonna catch a break
As a final note, Oxfam is awesome, I found this for 1.99. I've wanted to read it for ages and it's sooo funny in parts, brilliant, brilliant writing.
Here is a short passage -
Let's see, what have I been doing... we got a few new babies at work, I'd like to show you one, she's yet to be named, but she's very small

We've even had a family of Weasels establish themselves in our lemur walkthrough exhibit!

Errrm... went to see Muse at Wembley Stadium. Amazing show, probable highlight being the UFO during Exogenesis -

Went to a wedding back home, I went in a black leather jacket and sunglasses and so ended up getting a lot of Matrix comments, which I was fine with as the Matrix is badass. Me and a few others managed to get the DJ to play some RAWK at the reception, including the 9 minute version of Freebird! But then the DJ started getting complaints because of the rock! Massively infuriating, I didn't feel the need to protest the non-stop pop we had previously

Here is me at the wedding with crazy eyes -

Oh, and I met a horse.

I even had a couple of dates with an actual girl. Lovely she was too, but she's leaving the country early next year to do MSc. field-work and then to Africa to do a PhD. so she doesn't want a relationship. Back to the drawing board then! When am I gonna catch a break

As a final note, Oxfam is awesome, I found this for 1.99. I've wanted to read it for ages and it's sooo funny in parts, brilliant, brilliant writing.

Here is a short passage -
Haha that passage is hilarious!! Yeah I've just started watching season 5...its cool! I'm so impatient though. Couldn't believe the end of season 4!
I know!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!! I'm still in shock. Chop chop and watch season 5!