Sunday, boring sunday. We are playing one of out last shows of this tour at Stanford tonight, then we get a week off in LA. I cant wait. Ive been so tired these past couple weeks. I think im getting a lil burnt out. 7 months of touring takes it out of a person. But its only about 2 more weeks till i fly back...
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no offense or anything, but you dont look like james dean to me... biggrin

yeah i'm looking foward to more but i need $$
the only way i'm getting these done is cause i traded a bottle of tequila, and well since the tequila was a gift from some one else, free tattoos

I have a question for all women kind. Why do girls see the need to pick a guy up at a club, take him out to a bar, share a couple drinks, flirt almost the whole time, and then on the way back to her car, she tells the guy that she has a B/f? I dont see the reason. espesally cause i really liked...
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hmmm..i guess the same reason I guy will flirt all night, take a girls number, say he's going to call and then doesn't!! UGH hate that!!!

i don't know cause i don't do that to people...cause it's mean and bad karhma
well, can we say last night was a party and a half! It was a Vegan Thanksgiving, which was cool, but it was held at a family of a friends, So no one i know, all of my freinds were with their G/Fs so that left me chilling by myself along on a couch for most of it. What can i say, Holidays arent my...
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aw..poor baby*HUGS*
I got woken up this morning by a parking lot security guard banging on our RV door, So i crawl my tired ass off my couch and answer the door, just for him to tell me that i have to move that damn thing before we get blocked in by coming customers, Damn people, so i came over to kinkos and decided to spend some...
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hey there kiddos,
Im down in California finally, were chillin a lil south of San Fransico. we have a cool show going on tomorrow at Imusicast. if anyone is in the area check it out. But ive been having a good time lately. I hung out with the band Bright Life the past two days, and they are really a bunch of fun guys, but...
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hi...i woke up a little bit ago.cuase i've been sleeping most f yesterday...and porbably today...sorry i missed you
hey kiddos,
im out in Seattle tonight. just waiting for our show tommorow, if your around check out web page
what's up with girl on top? every boy likes that. does that mean they're lazy? i don't get it. nala is hot. and i'm fucking drunk. hi.
HI!!!*waves franticly*