Lavonne gave me a haircut, and then took this photo.

She always loved backlighting, and now I do too.
The scar in my skull is from surgery in grade eight, when I was hit by a softball pitch and had to have a blood clot removed from beside my brain. The ones on my arm were self-branded in 2000, and are a reminder of some intense revelations I had in '99. I really love scars.
Any good scar stories?

She always loved backlighting, and now I do too.
The scar in my skull is from surgery in grade eight, when I was hit by a softball pitch and had to have a blood clot removed from beside my brain. The ones on my arm were self-branded in 2000, and are a reminder of some intense revelations I had in '99. I really love scars.
Any good scar stories?
I have a cross-hatch mark on my forearm from an oven.

i have a 2 inch long one on my head which, like yours, can only be seen after my head's been shaved. it's about 3 inches back from my widow's peak. it's a momento from a hot, summer, starry night skinny dip with a tall, blonde, pierced piscean lady from ottawa. it was a magical night and i didn't even notice the blood until we were driving back to my apartment and someone said, "oh my god, ___, you're bleeding." the lake was more shallow than i realized after diving in but i didn't notice the pain. "i haven't got time for the pain...". then, she spent the entire night holding my hand as i got a terrifyingly large and intimidatingly shiny anesthetic shot and then 6, neatly sewn stitches right on the top of my little head. whenever my head is shaved, i touch it fondly and think of her.