This is one of my latest, favorite paintings.

'Polymorphic' 54 x 36, 2008
It was made in a very short time, late at night, in a frenzy of action without much thought. This is usually the best way to paint.
Last Saturday, I made another charity painting, this time to benefit the Fire Fighter's Burn Unit. It was a 'Ladies Night' event at which firefighters served dinner to the guests. I made my painting, which was sold in a live auction, and after a bit of networking, got out of there. It was a feeding frenzy, and no one was interested in a skinny art-boy with a Mohawk.
I've been hoping to write about the sun coming back out, but we're still being enthusiastically rained upon! It is beautiful to see dusty Calgary so lush and green.
In other news, Lavonne kicked my ass in Scrabulous the other day. She got three bingos in that game, not to mention three in the other game we were playing! Her score was an amazing 543 to my 299. She is very sweet, but she will mercilessly and ruthlessly try to beat you if you draw tiles against her. Be warned!.
That's all for now. I'll post a picture of my latest painting soon.

'Polymorphic' 54 x 36, 2008
It was made in a very short time, late at night, in a frenzy of action without much thought. This is usually the best way to paint.

Last Saturday, I made another charity painting, this time to benefit the Fire Fighter's Burn Unit. It was a 'Ladies Night' event at which firefighters served dinner to the guests. I made my painting, which was sold in a live auction, and after a bit of networking, got out of there. It was a feeding frenzy, and no one was interested in a skinny art-boy with a Mohawk.

I've been hoping to write about the sun coming back out, but we're still being enthusiastically rained upon! It is beautiful to see dusty Calgary so lush and green.

In other news, Lavonne kicked my ass in Scrabulous the other day. She got three bingos in that game, not to mention three in the other game we were playing! Her score was an amazing 543 to my 299. She is very sweet, but she will mercilessly and ruthlessly try to beat you if you draw tiles against her. Be warned!.

That's all for now. I'll post a picture of my latest painting soon.
p.s. want to trade a painting for a painting someday?