Jeez, shit really doesn't fall together for me.

The chick I'm crushin seems to be just leading me on... I dunno what to do about that.

Oh well... at least my film stuff is coming along nicely.
Ex walked into work today.

Brought about nausea and severe depression.

Maybe because she cheated on me with a 40 year old pedophile.
ugh...don't you just hate it when a person can induce such gross feelings? it's sad when someone you used to care for can make you feel that way.
A friend of mine IM'd me today. I told her to go see Saw and she did.

"How did you like it?" I asked.
"I didn't. It hurt my soul".

That statement made my brain hurt.

"It hurt my soul."

What the fuck does that mean? What the fuck is she talking about? Ugh! It may be the new way to say "It hurt my...
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More reason for me to watch that movie.smile
I'm planning on moving around your area. Any suggestions?
Is it that bad?? shocked
I'm finally creditted in a film.


I'm a producer, along side of Troma helmers Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz, for the new Troma film Slaughter Party.

Also, I'm leaving New Jersey in December... Living on my own out in California.
Welcome, fellow newbie. biggrin
My parents are fucking insane. They buy some "roast beef dinner" from the local firehouse, and have a substancial amount of leftovers. It is decided that my stepdad is going to have leftovers for dinner tomorrow.

My brother comes home from his new love affair, having nothing to eat all day, and I told him to have some of the left overs, but leave more...
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Is your mom going through menopause? My mom went psycho during menopause, we hated her. Now I feel bad for being so hateful because now she is a sweet old lady. She had cancer too, and it made her flip out hard core. She started all of this weird MLM and other crazy stuff wasting money and being a total bitch.
I'm almost done building Geidi Prime, my frakenstein computer. It has taken me nearly half a year and thousands of dollars, but this box is to the point where it can do anything...

It's main purpose is to digitize analog video, edit video, burn it to dvd, mix 5.1 sound, do cgi (3d modelling and 2d animations), photo manipulation and digital art.

After it's done,...
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Boring day.

Tried being the good guy and salvaging a friendship from a dating experience gone wrong. We'll see how that goes.

Thought about trying to talk to this very kewl chick in Sociology, but she had a little following of people, who assumably had the same thought as me. Plan A aborted.

I should get to work with my script for "The Amputee and...
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I killed legions of orcs and a cheeky little fairy, saved the grandson and made it to the last chamber of the cave, all in my fucking boxers, just to have two fucking orcs kill the grandson.

Goddamn you "Fable"!!!
Hey, just wondering if you have NF, or if you figure if I'd date someone with something like that you should have it easy? I wasn't sure. smile
Today I gave in and bought a fucking XBox...

Why, because "Fable" and "Silent Hill 4" came out for it. I'll be up all night playing both.

Not only that, but I recieved my 10 new dvds in the mail, bringing me a few dvds short of 100 horror dvds.

I'm such a geek, but I love it!
I just recently had another shot at the female race...

I took this very cool girl out for a few dates...

It's a shame she forgot to tell me she was taken and her boyfriend yelled at me online for kissing his girl.

Shit happens.

Hope good shit happens soon, though.
Hello! I tried to give your post a bit of a serious response. I'd be interested to know what you think.

your thread

Also, reply to people in their journal, not yours, so that way they know you've replied. smile Hey, welcome to the site. I notice you had a baptism by fire, eh? Don't worry, it gets better. smile
Goodness that's not a good situation to be in, girls are such liars tongue Good luck in finding someone better than that!

Thank you for posting on my "appreciation thread" kiss