Hey everyone!!! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!
I wanted to share with you some things that happened this month, and give you a little sneak peak of what my life has been like this year.
I’ll post pictures at the end of the blog!
So this month was nothing short of miraculous
One of my best friend lost her cat 2 months ago, he exroomate left the windows open because she wanted to dry her clothes, and she left to get groceries. My friend had told her many times to not leave the windows open because of the cats and she did it anyway.
So the cat went missing and the exroomate wasn’t doing anything to help, not once I heard her say “im sorry” or a hug or anything.
I got involved and try to help as much as I could posted all over social media, we made flyers and big cartels to paste all over the city, which we did every day and at night we went and look for Mailo until it was morning, we did this for two weeks straight and nothing.
We also had really bad altercations with the roommate, so my friend had evict her from the apartment. It was crazy.
I had to stop for a little bit because I wasn’t eating well or sleeping, so one week I tried to regain my strength and then did it all over again.
The months passed, my friend adopted a pregnant cat, had 5 beautiful babies (I’m gonna get one of them soon) she thought helping other animals would make her feel a tiny bit better and it did actually, having 5 kittens and two adult cats that don’t get along in a tiny apartment keeps your head busy.
This is the amazing part:
Two days ago, my friends sister who lives in Canada, received a message from a woman claiming she had rescued Mailo from the street, she sent her son pictures and it turned out it was him!!!! That same day we went to get him and then this woman told us her side of the story.
Mailo had arrived to this woman’s mother’s house ( 23 km/ 14.3 miles from where he was lost) asking for food and help, he was in really bad condition, infected wounds on his head, really really skinny and dirty, with knots on his hair and like patches on his skin where the hair had fallen off due to stress and malnutrition.
She took him to the vet, bathed him and posted his picture on social media where a person immediately recognized him from the flyers we had posted.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for a cat to travel that far on its own, specially when there are a lot of parks and markets around where my friend lives, he would’ve stayed close. We are certain that SOMEONE took him and left him far away so it was impossible for him to come back.
We don’t wanna say who but it’s obvious, specially cause she had shown hate towards that cat before.
Any ways the important thing is that Mailo is home with his human momma. And even though some people are rotten to the core, this time we had a happy ending
it was also my birthday this month, I didn’t celebrate cause I was feeling really down that we hadn’t found Mailo yet.
And it was the end of my semester and
my brother got married! That day was fun!
my photography project!
getting Mailo back!!!
@blackdiiablo @pennylicious at my brothers wedding ✨💕
little babies 😍😍😍 the day they were born
looking for Mailo