Thursday Apr 29, 2004 Apr 29, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email out for vampsinthe78's sisters birthday 2morrow woo hoo curry then stans hullo to awaken the stuntbastard VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS thee_tron: yeah it was, thats right i wasnt right fond of them to be honest. i like it more stoned than that. so when we get up and running would you guys be up for some shows with us????? Apr 29, 2004 thee_tron: Cheers man!! Ill let you know when they are made. We still need a bassist though waahhhh May 6, 2004
i wasnt right fond of them to be honest.
i like it more stoned than that.
so when we get up and running would you guys be up for some shows with us?????
We still need a bassist though waahhhh