Friday Mar 19, 2004 Mar 19, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS thee_tron: Shit!!! Are you james doom as in James doom from the ripley 70mm sloth ensemble record??? i saw you last night at the benefit gig!!! I may have pimped one of my bands cd's to your singer!!! Project Megatron is the name of my band. BEN (who the show was for) has just joined PM. im chris by the way Apr 26, 2004 kit: hi i was at that funraiser last night! im a new SG and im from manchester Apr 27, 2004
i saw you last night at the benefit gig!!!
I may have pimped one of my bands cd's to your singer!!!
Project Megatron is the name of my band.
BEN (who the show was for) has just joined PM.
im chris by the way