Pointless Journal update
why do parents leave windchimes next to back doors I swear it's to catch me having a joint (can't wait to move out)
why do buses never come when you've been waiting ages for them
oh yeah and happy new year people
why do parents leave windchimes next to back doors I swear it's to catch me having a joint (can't wait to move out)
why do buses never come when you've been waiting ages for them
oh yeah and happy new year people

buses suck massive donkey balls, i DONT miss them at all. plus, all bus drivers are complete twats.
be safe and be stonned always
ps: paul told rachel that jack said that kate and i are banned for life !!!!!! can you believe that ? he said that we were taking money from the tips. idiot, like there is ever money to take from the tip basket anyway....what an arse !