Not gonna be checking this for a while cos i've lost my internet frown

in the meantime ifyour missing me be sure to check out this

byeee biggrin
how fucking awful! i hope you find your internet sooon andy.

my weekend started thurday and consisted of drugs a lot of beer 2 partys, melon fights meeting some nice new people and some people iv'e not seen in a while

it's been cool
Fack... I take it you heard the news...? About you know who... It just goes to show you the British justice system is a big fucking mockery, dunnit? Out to make at least ONE party the scapegoat.. Innocent OR guilty is pretty irrelevant! Glad ya weekend sounded pretty spectacular, tho!
'drugs and a lot of beer '


[whos Vampsinthe78 talking about?]

Right o time for an update ( i'm not really a journal person, I rarely have much to say unless i'm drunk online or off).

but check out hymn's for the hopeless by william elliot whitmore I just bought it and it's fucking amazing, singer songwriter stuff on a banjo kinda folky blues songs about his sweetheart passing away. on southern
i dont even know what that is???

shai what???

im ok thanks. me neck just hurts a little.

i sent you an email last week some time, thats weird, i wondered why you didnt reply. anyway, i went to to travel agent to buy a ticket anf they were fucking $950 ! can you believe that shit?!? apparently, people are flying more than ever now so this is the reason why theyre so high in price. usually, i pay like $350-400 all year round. id love to come home, but i havent got that type of money to pay for a ticket yet. the travel agent said that ticket prices will be going down around sep, so i'll most probably be home then :/

[Edited on Jun 28, 2004 7:33AM]
Went to a friends band practice tonight to do some singing was good fun got me back into writing lyrics and singing again.

off tomorrow for more skating woo hoo.

gig next sunday:
son of the mourning
day for airstrikes
lee malvo
year of the monkey
milton drive

Grand central 4:00 till late and free smile
yeah, we have been emailing back and forth for a while. oh listen to this *its so weird* i have a little profile thingy on some site called myspace, its just a silly profile thing where you can add pix and what not. anyway, the other day i got super bored so i started looking to see if there was anyone on from the u.k. to my surprise theyre were 1000s of people from england who had a profile on the site. i was just looking through when i saw a pic of this hot girl who was from manchester. i couldnt believe it! she looked like dita von teese or something. i sent her a message saying that i never see girls like her in manchester and she thought it was cute. so whatever....she emails me back the next day and was like 'do you know gary wilmot, he went out with a girl called sahina?' so i got all excited with myself and wrote back something along these lines : 'yeah, i know gary! how do you know them....throigh the band? i dont really remember sahina though coz i only met her once BUT i do remember that she was gorgeous and had nice big nellies' she sent me a message back saying that she was sahina!!!! andy, i was so embaressed! so i said i was sorry but she wrote back saying it was a compliment and she thought it was hilarous. so yeah...how weird that i met her on that site. very random and ironic, but still kewl! im still in shock.

ahahahaha, awww... im sorry! i didnt mean to make you spit coffee out all over your computer screen.
do you have a mobile? i asked paul fot the number in febuary but he didnt have it the little gaylord! send it to me through an email when you get some spare time.

it's mint hearing rumours about yourself.

Iv'e started skating again it's mint .

Spear or pepper?
skating leads to broken bones and shattered vertebrates.
im scared of it.

but those who can do it look mint

My new favourite word is "bag head"
or bag'ed as its pronounced in manchester
Had to leave a party on thursday at font, cos I was skint thought it was just gonna be a few people, I was gutted to leave it was full of my mates and loads of mint females frown and the rest of the weekend has just been work, what a pisser. it's definatly giving me impetus for a carreer change smile
Yeah - it's an old band of my mates really, I know the songs well and used to jam with him so it's no trouble learning them. He needed a bassist, I play bass, 1 plus 1 equalled 2.
out for vampsinthe78's sisters birthday 2morrow woo hoo curry then stans hullo to awaken the stuntbastard biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
yeah it was, thats right

i wasnt right fond of them to be honest.
i like it more stoned than that.

so when we get up and running would you guys be up for some shows with us?????

Cheers man!! Ill let you know when they are made.

We still need a bassist though waahhhh

I normally pride myself on being able to keep my cool in situations where other people would lose their heads. but tonight something happened in work where I regret not loseing it .

biggrin ooo aaa biggrin miao!! biggrin bok biggrin oink biggrin EL SUICIDO LOCO biggrin ARRR!!!

Shit!!! Are you james doom as in James doom from the ripley 70mm sloth ensemble record???

i saw you last night at the benefit gig!!!
I may have pimped one of my bands cd's to your singer!!!

Project Megatron is the name of my band.
BEN (who the show was for) has just joined PM.

im chris by the way

hi i was at that funraiser last night! im a new SG and im from manchestersmile surreal
Bah Vday

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ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa
happy birthday man!

!i! happy belated birthday !i!

i was fucking gutted that i didnt get a chance to hangout with you frown i called the bodds once and got paul, he gave me few mobile # but he said that he didnt know yours. i called bacl after that during the three weeks a few times but you were never there. i did see you though, on top rd near the shop, i had been at work with my mum and i stopped to get something to eat, i saw a guy with his ears stretched and before i saw you it was too late, my mums little red car had already passed you, i turned and waved but i dont think you saw me ?

anyway, i got back yesterday and im happy to be back but sad to be away from 'ye old salford', im tired too.

i'll udate when im not as knackered...
take care