everything that's not perfect
cluster headaches, back pain, drinking too much, smoking too much pot, feeling tired, night sweats, pangs of sadness, mood swings, drug cravings, stomach problems, unsatisfactory relationship arrangements, cantgetagirlcantgetajob, time wasting, not reading enough, spending too much, eating poorly, dehydrated, acting like peoples mother, not being myself all the time, best mate in a state, creative block, room's untidy, texting too much, not doing enough exercise, pushing people where they don't want to go, being annoying, being clingy, not being that into her but planning to do it anyway, still living at home, keep forgetting to pay bills, owed money, getting violent, being lazy, being complacent, not giving enough to charity, failing to understand, writing long self-accusatory rants on the internet to people who just aren't interested.
cluster headaches, back pain, drinking too much, smoking too much pot, feeling tired, night sweats, pangs of sadness, mood swings, drug cravings, stomach problems, unsatisfactory relationship arrangements, cantgetagirlcantgetajob, time wasting, not reading enough, spending too much, eating poorly, dehydrated, acting like peoples mother, not being myself all the time, best mate in a state, creative block, room's untidy, texting too much, not doing enough exercise, pushing people where they don't want to go, being annoying, being clingy, not being that into her but planning to do it anyway, still living at home, keep forgetting to pay bills, owed money, getting violent, being lazy, being complacent, not giving enough to charity, failing to understand, writing long self-accusatory rants on the internet to people who just aren't interested.