Everything's coming up James_ this week

It's about fucking time. smile
Sounds good. Did you just inherit a skunk plantation? Tell us more smile
Nice one. Let me guess, you've discovered that you're the heir to the throne of Holland?
"Lying there on the desk, you left a letter. When I touched it quivered in my hand."

Christmas was ok. I bought my family a freeview box, but alas, out TV aerial is crap so my dad has to get a new one and install it before we can watch BBC 3.
This year has had its ups and downs, with a bit of nastiness...
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Gotta love technology, the endless interlocking upgrades, ho-hum. Have a good 2005.
Happy Christmas smile It's always fucking weird looking back on the year.. what the fuck have I DONE with it!!

I started out what looked to be a potentially enjoyable drug binge on boxing day night, but it petered out by wednesday night when I realised I didn't have much cash left and it was taking a stupid number of pills to get me to come up even a little. So I've had a few days off and actually EATEN something, lol, and tomorrow i plan to enjoy the effects of some shrooms and a good few armanis.

Life does seem odd recently, like a song that you've heard loads of times suddenly being played in a slightly different key. I'm not sure if I made that analogy up or if I heard it somewhere, but if I made it up I'm pretty fucking impressed with myself.

When we sleep, the tendancy is very strong to believe that our dreams are a fantasy constructed in our minds. But I often wonder if there is another, non physical, realm where the normal rules do not apply, and if perhaps, in dreaming, we are inhabiting this place for a short time.

Staying in this job.

Can smoke weed in shop
Don't have...
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Good as done wink

Unless I forget.
Dreams are as real as you believe in. Our ancestors placed great import on them. I like dreams, particulary ones about me fighting zombies.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

My mate appears to be going through the onset of schizophrenia right now, and I am so utterly confused and worried that I'm not really functioning.
I don't know what to do to be honest. They never taught us this in school. The trouble is, to him, what he's experiencing is only too real. Unfortunately, i think certain members...
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I live just outside MK too. I feel your pain.
"Your many ways have set my heart ablaze
It's you who puts my soul in ecstasy"

22 today. Joy.

When you're biding time, everything autiomated, just waiting for the money to be cleared the time starts to accellerate to a heady blur. 40 weeks to go. 40 weeks to freedom.
Despite the depressive tone, in good spirits at the moment.
On saturday, a baccanalian orgy...
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Happy birthday kiddo smile
Happy birthday, have a good 'un
Two conscutive spam subjects that landed in my box today:

"I hope, This is what you require"
"I consider, this is what you involve"

There's some goddamned poetry in that, isn't there!
Happy Birthday!
happy birthday jimbo! biggrin
The Stone Roses - Waterfall

Chimes sing Sunday morn
Today's the day she's sworn
To steal what she never could own
And race from this hole she calls home
Now you're at the wheel
Tell me how how does it feel
So good to have equalised
To lift up the lids of your eyes
As the miles they disappear
See land begin to clear
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I find a strong dose of anything anime is the answer!
blackeyed blush Crossed wires ..... I thought it was about my question. Duh. I'm so out of touch. biggrin
My job, and it's really no secret at all, is a poor one.
A profession of which I am rightly shamed, I am a drug dealer.
I ensure that my motley cadre of dependant addicts are all daily supplied with the fix they need for the day.
And further shame on me, for the drugs which I sell are the very worst of the bunch....
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putting it straight in the oven doesnt chrystalise it. it dries it out and it goes hard. have you actually done it before? shocked its already in liquid form. i know how to chrtalise k but trying to do the same with pethadine etc it doesnt seem to work????

[Edited on Nov 03, 2004 9:24PM]
i am in your occupation as well. its shameful, but the moneys good.....oh well....wheres the jack daniels this morning? must have drank it on my day off
it was the strangest thing today - i saw new footprints in abandoned pathways, beneath forgotten undergrowth something stirring again. you were a single red blood cell, but i lost you in this knot of capillaries, but you were bringing me oxygen when i needed it most in the smoke. and you were always as far as mongolia, as close as my clothes, your presence...
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Wow, for a layabout stoner, you've got some real talent there wink
I'm being nosey tonight and I was nosing through your pics. Great tattoo of the Lance of Longinus (sp?). I noticed it from the pic in this entry. fucking sweet tattoo! I'd love to have a tattoo of Rei myself on my hips! anyway... great tat!

Great entry by the way. Quite moving and deep.
*Peers through the smoky fug of stoned life*

hmm. time for a new entry.

Why is it that it takes so damn long to forget about someone. It gets to a point where the memories don't hurt, but you just can't stop associating that person with stupid little things. Like, just random conversations you had a year ago or morew, and you get reminded of...
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coolio - been a while jimbo... wink
It is strange isn't it. Memory I mean. You think that you've moved on, that your feelings have changed, but one little thing comes along and you realise you feel just the same.

Also, if life was windows XP then we'd all make that annoying bing bong noise whenever we woke up... I wouldn't like that at all. : surreal
When our Mave and I was married
tried to settle down
And all we need's half a million quid
for to buy a two up and two down
We were on the council waiting list
number six thousand and five
We're due for a house in 2001
that's assuming we're both still alive.

Where the hell are we gonna live
where the hell are we...
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I want a girl who can keep up with my ridiculous drug intake, a girl who likes the smell of marijuana and green tea in the morning. I want a lady who kisses me goodnight and good morning and understands why the soundtrack to Blade Runner makes me smile.
I want a girl who's prepared to listen to me ramble on about things that amuse...
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Don't think too much about the boots thing. Seriously, just don't, it'll only end up hurting you in the long run.

P.S. I want a pony.

damm it! fucking shame that
a) I'm already taken
b) I can't play guitar
I fitted your description quite well...

alas I know a 30 yr old female that can do all of that...and play guitar...
but sadly she's taken as well frown

keep looking! Bedford has some nice *cough* slags *cough* women there!! kiss

(sorry for the late reply i'm just about catching up with people)