It's over...
...And when it's all said and done, what is he any more? Nothing but an empty, bitter, jealous shell. A cracked mirror to give a burnished reflection of better days.
Mute in solitude and company, a weathered voice that passes vengeful but impotent judgement, his tongue a skeletal hand, scratching at the door, begging to be let inside in vain. He is a...
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I'm jealous at your vocabulary skills. Heck, I'm jealous because you can spell the word and I can't! I had to copy and paste it! lmao

I kind of, sorta, maybe, totally would fuck Kelly Osbourne, I realised tonight. God knows why, but I find her strangely alluring. Weirdo.

I'm writing this entry from my brand new, beautiful laptop. I'm considering sleeping with this laptop, it's that fucking amazing. Yeah, well, I've not really figured out what use I have for it yet, but it'll become clear in time. My dad...
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I've just purchased for myself one of these lovely techological beasties.
I don't really need it, and I've got no other excuse except I wanted one, and I've got an American Express.
I've done basically fuck all this weekend, just lazed about basically. Went out Friday night, spent pretty much the rest of the weekend on the internet. Meh.

I guess I feel a...
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hey dude, watcha buy?

I know what you mean about not being able to tell people they're special, there are a few people who i love but they don't know it cos i'm scared too.
That person was in my dream again last night. She worked at the shop, doing sunday nights so we never got the chance to meet. She left a book of pictures of herself there and I saw her standing with crowds, but I was struck dumb and couldn't speak to her. I know this dream means something, because I've had it 3 times now, but...
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Is that a new profile pic? I dig it...
You have really good skin!
And I like your glasses! Very intellectual looking!
God damn it, I really cannot wait until monday comes round. A whole week (8 days, in fact) of not having to go anywhere near bloody Unwins. YAY!
Anyway, I think I mentioned about giving up smoking on Tuesday, well, I'd forgotten how hard it bloody is! I've been really irritable all day, and off with everyone. Perhaps acting a little bit strange too. But...
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Thanks smile There's no hurry for the pic, any time you get a decent pic will be fine smile Indeed, dicelife isn't for everyone, you definitely have to be in the right frame of mind to accept the decisions and live by the Die smile
For a 'nostalgic pushhead' (not that i really know what that means), you certainly are a neuroscience nerd. It's cool, though, I am too. wink
So, I'm somewhat frustrated. I want to do a degree in acoustics, or acoustic engineering, but it looks like I'm just plain not qualified enough at this point. I'm trying to think what I can do, and I think the best course of action might be to get myself a different degree, in, say, physics, and then use that to get a master's in acoustic...
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know what you mean about the touts. i refuse to buy tickets off ebay cos of the same reason. saw them in london in december , they were ace but the crwod was rubbish. a mass of denim and top-shop chic. hated it. almost felt out of place wink

'you love your stars even killers have prestige'
Have you considered an online course? Several US Based universities do them, and you wind up with the degree you want smile
PS The DiceMan kicks serious ass, both as a book and a way of life smile
So, I had a date on Saturday! first in over a year, and it was fab.
We met up at about 8, in the White Hart, and had a quick drink, a chance to smoke a few cigarettes and get relaxed. I was pretty nervous, but it was nothing a glass of wine didn't help sort out. The table was booked for 8.30, so we...
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Funny, I never though of a fat lip as one of the dangers of sex with a new partner. Enjoy.
I miss playing.
That's the real truth. I think everyone does. Why do we have to suddenly get so serious when we grow up? I don't WANT to work for 5 7ths of my life, and spend the weekends mindless pissed. Alcohol is social control, a drug that keeps you stupid. I want to spend my life running through sunny woods and snowy fields, feeding...
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then do it thats all i can say. i quit my job on wednesday, ive done the same thing for 10 fucking years. and i feel so damn good right now smile i could have ritten what you wrote cause thats how i felt. FUCK IT OFF! you can do anything you want. you dont HAVE to be anything you dont want to kiss
"design a virus that lies dormant until everyone is infected and then activates simultaneously"

what we need is for everyone to watch tv at the same time, then cut ALL stations forever. That'll make them stand up and go outside. TV's a good virus.
some lyrics that've been kicking around my book for a bit, and being worked on:

Once he lived a smoothed out life
But now he sees with clearing eyes
The strength it takes to make a change
Is all it needs to keep him same

Like a drunk who's lost a bet caught in the rain
He'll find his way back home to you...
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What a nightmare day its been,
At work, these two little bastard kids came in and tried to buy alcohol. I, of course, refused to sell to them, and they had a mini huff. It was a boy and a girl, no more than 12 or 13. I took a picture of one of them with my camera phone, stupidly, for a laugh. Simply because...
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I get that like too, it's bad. Sometimse I think kids need to see that though, so they know that if they push to far they could get themselves into some serious shit.
Young kids are becoming such cunts in the UK. If we'd pulled any shit like that when we were that age we'd get our arses smacked red raw. I'm sure those fuckers will be getting a new PS2 game or something like that.

I wish people were able to teach kids like that a lesson. My mother used to tell me how it was acceptable for a neighbour/stranger to punish a kid if it had done wrong (of course letting the parents know as well)
I wished that applied today then we wouldnt get these smart arsed 13 year olds destroying our neighbourhoods.
So. I went to the doctors yesterday, to sort out this stomach problem. He did a bit of investigative prodding and poking and reckons that it's something like a stomach ulcer. I've got to go back on Tuesday to have some blood tests and possibly an endoscopy at some point in the future. I guess that makes sense to me, I've been aware that something...
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what do you UK types consider "cold"? i have a bit of an interest in weather, you see. recently around here it's been hovering around freezing, but most winters it's way colder, sometimes going down to like -25 and staying there for a few days. i miss that.
oh, and i'm glad your health issue isn't anything very serious. just keep eating those tums. tums are good. and very pretty. mmm...