Hello all! I currently have a moment at work and since I was browsing on the internet anyway, I thought I'd drop in and say hello ^.^
I can't for the life of me figure out how to put the pictures at the end of my blog instead of right in front, but whatever >.<
Lately I've only been posting naked pictures on here and nothing else, and while I have no problem with that and I doubt any one else does either, I should be more active and posting in groups and shit, so you'll be seeing and hearing from me on here a lot more often.
I can't wait to get my pictures from my last photo shoot! They came out fantastic. I'm just trying to figure out a name and description for it. I can't wait to show you guys the teasers :D
Are you following me on Instagram? @morganmisanthropy
Lets see. Well a few days ago I did a Q&A on my IG. Maybe I'll do the same here and post a blog with the answers. What do you guys think?
What do you wanna see more of? Whay do you wanna hear more about? Let me know guys, I'm here to please you ;*
Back to work, be back later on with new pictures ;D
- Jambi