Hello all! I'm back and ready to start up on some modeling again ^.^ I've been working on setting up a date to shoot a new set with my photographer as well as trying to branch out and work with someone new. Things are going slow, but I remain hopeful.
Work is great! Busy as always, but great none the less. My new apartment rocks! I love living on my own. Plus I'm fostering a dog during the week for the next several months. Its weird for me since I've never owned a dog before, but things are going great with her.
I plan on posting more pictures in my album "Rated R" and I'm also thinking of adding a new album. Not sure of what just yet, maybe just new pictures. Only time will tell!
I gotta run, but I'll keep in touch on here. Be sure to follow me on Instagram @morganmisanthropy :D Stay beautiful ladies and germs
- Jambi