I gotta get my wisdom teeth ripped out. All 4. I'm so nervous, I heard it hurts and the healing process hurts and you can get dry socket or whatever that bullshit is. UGH I HATE TEETH
I added more pictures to my album "rated R ;)" go check it out dudes!
I gotta run, as always, but I'll write more when I get the chance. All right, dudes. S you in your A's, don't wear a C, and J all over your B's.
The process sucks. I put it off until I was almost 27. They make you extremely nervous with all the stuff about dry socket, but with the right attitude and the right surgeon you can do it! Not sure what part of the city that you live in, but I went to these guys (their North Cambridge office) and they were awesome: http://www.comsa.tv/. If you have more questions, let me know.
It really isn't all that terrible and they give you percocets, which you can save and use at a more fun time.