I have some extra spending money. I've listed all the things I could do with it. It's that exciting moment when you when the cash but don't know what to do with it. So it sits there staring at you, what should I spend my bonus cash on? I'm at a loss on what to do with it. If I had the time, I know...
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Been looking forward to going to my first ever tractor pull with a buddy of mine now for about 2 months. It might not happen though due to rain. I'm not particularly fond of spending about 50 bucks (food drink ticket gas etc.) watching tractors pull whatever for about 2 hours, but doing something with someone is better then staying at home alone doing nothing.
I narrowly lost my roadkill virginity to a little raccoon. Actually it was huge! That fucker must have ate someone's steroids.
I've been driving long distances to work and back for years. At least half the time it has been dark out. I probably should have killed many animals by now. I've had quite a few near misses. Mostly from deer. But I'm still a...
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. . . I'm online daily. That's daily not all day. If you need to vent I'm a good listener. I'm not the best with words nor am I a wise person but I'll listen. I'll give advice and it may not be the best advice but I'll do what I can to help. If you need to talk, send me a message. It doesn't...
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Long time buddy of mine that works in the department I want to work in says a new job is going to be opening up. If I get the job bid, I'll have more free time on my hands while making more money! I'll be working same amount of hours just in 3 days (4 days a week every other week)! So more pay, more...
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Being in a relationship is all I've been thinking about for the 2 weeks or so. It's become an obsession. Up until 7 months ago, I really wasn't ready for a relationship. Now that I'm at where I want to be (to be ready for a relationship), I am ready. I've been trying my hardest to not focus on only one person. Everyone I've asked...
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I'm 100% against declawing these animals. Anyone that is for it should be shot. Okay maybe that's taking things a bit too far. But there really isn't a good enough reason to declaw them. If God wanted them to not have claws, he wouldn't have made them. It's what they use to hunt rodents and other pesky animals. It's like taking a hunter's rifle away...
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Adults don't actually say that but recent events have made me think of this.
My old vehicle that I donated to Make-A-Wish was parked on some business's (did I use the correct grammar? Seems it isn't right. Whatever) vacant parking lot. That happens to have been my parking spot for over a year and previous tenants to my landlord have been parking there for many...
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I was just at 7-Eleven getting coffee and some lady set her phone down and went rummaging through her purse to get her wallet so she could pull out a credit card and pay for her things. I happened to glance down at her things and saw her phone in full view. She was checking her credit score. I think there's something wrong with the...
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There's this woman that was recently hired on at work after being a temp for over a year. She was transferred to my department and even before she officially transferred my lead has been trying to get me to get her number. This was after he found out I liked her. Now he keeps hounding me to get her number.
I'm not going to do...
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