I narrowly lost my roadkill virginity to a little raccoon. Actually it was huge! That fucker must have ate someone's steroids.
I've been driving long distances to work and back for years. At least half the time it has been dark out. I probably should have killed many animals by now. I've had quite a few near misses. Mostly from deer. But I'm still a virgin when it comes to roadkill. Speaking of which, I've never been in a crash when I've been behind the wheel. I've been in a couple minor crashes but I wasn't driving. Both times women were behind the wheel. One had a phone in her hand and the other was rummaging in her purse for god knows what. I've also been in a couple fender benders. Both times were in a parking lot. One woman one man.
When I'm behind the wheel, I'm alert. I don't text nor talk on phone when behind the wheel. I don't drink and drive. Actually that's not true. I drink milk, juice, tea, coffee. . . haha.
Some day, I know I'll kill and animal with my vehicle. Some day I'll cry for that poor soul. But today wasn't that day. Tomorrow doesn't look that good either. Haha.
Peace be with you.