Being in a relationship is all I've been thinking about for the 2 weeks or so. It's become an obsession. Up until 7 months ago, I really wasn't ready for a relationship. Now that I'm at where I want to be (to be ready for a relationship), I am ready. I've been trying my hardest to not focus on only one person. Everyone I've asked out, I was able to see a future with. I hear all the time people stalk one's past for a potential mate, but I haven't heard anyone say they could see a future with that person. One's past is meaningless to me. Sure I'd like to know it. If I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with someone, I want to know the whole story on them. The past made them into the person they are. I focus on the present and future of someone.
I am ready. Not for a fling or a one night stand but for a real wholesome relationship. They happen all the time. So why not this time, for me? I'm not craving a relationship as cravings pass. I am constantly hungry for one. I'm not passing over anyone because that one that other people pass on could be my wife. When you focus so much on just one person that you want a relationship with, you might be skipping over a dozen that could be your soulmate. Love, not lust is my goal. It's been my goal for years. I could have gone after lust, but I've chosen love.