I'm 100% against declawing these animals. Anyone that is for it should be shot. Okay maybe that's taking things a bit too far. But there really isn't a good enough reason to declaw them. If God wanted them to not have claws, he wouldn't have made them. It's what they use to hunt rodents and other pesky animals. It's like taking a hunter's rifle away and saying you can hunt with a knife. The claws are also for protection. It's their handgun. Don't want em to claw up your furniture? Buy a scratching post or don't own a cat.
Yes I know claws are annoying but with every beautiful creature (including people), there are things we don't like about them.
No one is perfect. Nothing is perfect. Even the world itself isn't a perfect sphere. So take the good with the bad.
New York State is set to become the first state in the country to ban declawing altogether. It's already banned in several cities around the nation. I bet it's banned in several counties too. I am happy and I hope it becomes law. Other states will follow suit if it becomes law. Just like most new laws, when one state does it, others follow.