Adults don't actually say that but recent events have made me think of this.
My old vehicle that I donated to Make-A-Wish was parked on some business's (did I use the correct grammar? Seems it isn't right. Whatever) vacant parking lot. That happens to have been my parking spot for over a year and previous tenants to my landlord have been parking there for many years. And the guy calls the cops before I had a chance to clean it out. He made no attempts to contact me first in any way shape or form. No note on the car, no call to my landlord, no knocking on doors, nothing. He just calls the cops.
Just last night someone on 3rd shift tells on me at work because I didn't do the paperwork right. I told the guy I didn't and he gets in my grill and spits in my face and starts cursing. This guy isn't new. And it's not my first interaction with him. Normally he's decent (well to me anyway. I heard he's a scumbag from many people). He's like. . . well I'm not going to repeat it.
It's like everyone calls mommy and daddy when things don't make them happy. Bitch, you're an adult (both guys are twice my age) act like it. When I have a problem I take care of it myself. I don't call someone in authority to take care of my issues.
The guy that called the cops, could have said to me, ''Hey this is my property and that vehicle isn't on the road. Do something with it. I want it off my property." In which case I would have replied, ''Sure. I'll got on it right away.'' There problem solved. I can be civil.
The guy on third shift is on his last leg I heard from my supervisor. He asked if I wanted to pursue this issue further. He was told by 3rd shift supervisor there was an issue. I said, ''No. He was obviously having a bad day. I don't want to get anyone fired.'' I guess we will see what happens tomorrow. If there's still an issue, I know my super will say something.
Stuff comes in threes so what's going to happen next I wonder?