. . .at something. Let me back things up a bit to recollect my thoughts.
The greats from yesteryear: Leonardo, Beethoven, Edison, Bell, and many others made the world we have today.
We have greats in this century to who are laying the foundation for those 200 years in the future.
We are all great at something. Most of us just haven't discovered what we are great at or haven't been given the opportunity to be great at something. Or maybe what we are good at isn't for us. Maybe it's something we just don't like. Maybe it's something we have to work hard at like a gifted musician. Or maybe we just don't want the attention being really good at something. Whatever the case, you are great at something. You are one of a kind at something. I do firmly believe this. You just need to be discovered. You could be the next great. What is holding you back?
This blog was brought to you in part by,
The Soloist.
It is a movie with Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr. Its about a homeless musician and a New York Times columnist. I had to pause the movie to write this. Now back to the movie.