Wednesday and Thursday, I'm off work. On Thursday, I'm going to go to Letchworth State Park. Hopefully the weather gods will play nice. I bought some binoculars and I wanna take pictures through them of a falcon's nest on the mountainside. But that may be a problem because I don't have a tripod to steady the binoculars. I also want to hike some of the more off the beaten path trails. This will be an all day event so I'll have hundreds of pictures and videos. Sadly I am unable to post videos to SG. Videos from my last excursion to the park are pretty cool. I posted pictures but they don't do it justice. I gotta make sure my portable phone charger is charged up and ready to go. It was very useful last trip. Water, snacks and a backpack are also needed and a couple grocery bags for garbage (my garbage and from others that think the park is their litterbox).
I won't be posting all the pictures as they're a pain to post but I'll post some as long as the weather is decent like last time.