- on jamale7777's blog post
- on Where would you go if money didn't matter? in travel and relocation
- on jamale7777's blog post
- on stark's status update
- on niffler's blog post
- on niffler's blog post
Long time buddy of mine that works in the department I want to work in says a new job is going to be opening up. If I get the job bid, I'll have more free time on my hands while making more money! I'll be working same amount of hours just in 3 days (4 days a week every other week)! So more pay, more...
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Being in a relationship is all I've been thinking about for the 2 weeks or so. It's become an obsession. Up until 7 months ago, I really wasn't ready for a relationship. Now that I'm at where I want to be (to be ready for a relationship), I am ready. I've been trying my hardest to not focus on only one person. Everyone I've asked...
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I'm 100% against declawing these animals. Anyone that is for it should be shot. Okay maybe that's taking things a bit too far. But there really isn't a good enough reason to declaw them. If God wanted them to not have claws, he wouldn't have made them. It's what they use to hunt rodents and other pesky animals. It's like taking a hunter's rifle away...
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Adults don't actually say that but recent events have made me think of this.
My old vehicle that I donated to Make-A-Wish was parked on some business's (did I use the correct grammar? Seems it isn't right. Whatever) vacant parking lot. That happens to have been my parking spot for over a year and previous tenants to my landlord have been parking there for many...
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I was just at 7-Eleven getting coffee and some lady set her phone down and went rummaging through her purse to get her wallet so she could pull out a credit card and pay for her things. I happened to glance down at her things and saw her phone in full view. She was checking her credit score. I think there's something wrong with the...
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There's this woman that was recently hired on at work after being a temp for over a year. She was transferred to my department and even before she officially transferred my lead has been trying to get me to get her number. This was after he found out I liked her. Now he keeps hounding me to get her number.
I'm not going to do...
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In 2017 Donald Trump became president of the USA. His wife is 23 years younger then him and they've been married for about 14 years.
In 2017 Emmanuel Macron became president of France. His wife is 25 years older then him and they've been married for about 12 years.
These two men are 31 years (Trump-72 Macron-41) apart from each other and are greatly different...
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No your eyes aren't not deceiving you. Yes you can buy up to 6 different rings that cost over $110K at Costco. That's the bulk food place all over the USA. It is Walmart's rival. I'm not kidding! Look it up:
Or how about the $470,000.00 Necklace?
My co-workers and I were talking and I don't know how it came up but I told them, ''I used to be a super nice guy to always helped everyone without question.''
One co-worker said, ''What changed James?"
I said, "I needed help once.''
Another worker said, ''Oh yeah that explains it. I used to be a nice guy too until I needed help.''
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. . .at something. Let me back things up a bit to recollect my thoughts.
The greats from yesteryear: Leonardo, Beethoven, Edison, Bell, and many others made the world we have today.
We have greats in this century to who are laying the foundation for those 200 years in the future.
We are all great at something. Most of us just haven't discovered what we...
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. . .Goes unpunished. It's payday. I got places to be and things to do but I have to wait up to 4 hours for this tow truck guy to get here and pick up my vehicle so he can give it to Make-A-Wish, Wheels for Wishes chapter. The ''tow truck will be there between the 8:00am and noon.'' Ugh. Really? I want a job...
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So I go to the local convenience store to check if I had any cash left hoping to score me some coffee, and I go up to the counter to have him scan a bottle of Starbucks coffee, he tells me my total and I'm like really? There's not suppose to be tax on coffee! (not supposed to be tax on teas either but New...
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