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- on jamale7777's blog post
- on jamale7777's blog post
- on jamale7777's blog post
- on jamale7777's blog post
- on jamale7777's blog post
I had today off from work. This was a scheduled day off. Went to a hunting place a looked at guns, crossbows, bows, and arrows with someone (you don't need to know who). Petted all the taxidermy animals including an alligator. Also practiced at the archery range for a couple of hours. We toned our bow and arrow skills.
Then we went to KFC. Got...
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As promised I said I would write a blog of my childhood to all one of you. AT 4:06 am, on June 21st. Here it is:
AGE 4 OR 5:
''Hi! I'm Robert Doe (not real last name), and I'm doing my C'S!" I greeted 3 kids that came to my hospital bedside.
Let's back things up a bit. I was at that hospital because...
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Well it only one person wishes to know my childhood so I'll write only a blog or two about it. I guess I should't publish a book about it. Very few souls take the time to read a book anyway. I do know if I were to write one, foster care agencies would contact me. I already know this because I was told this by...
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Today I taught a 60 year old lady how to operate a forklift at work. She has never driven a car nor rode a bicycle. This wasn't an easy task. At the end (about an hour or two later) she thanked me and said I was a good teacher. She liked that I kept my cool the entire time. I told her I knew what...
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I was thinking of writing many blogs and compiling them all to make up a book of my life prior to age 17. It's a sad and bad story but I would try to focus on the uppity parts. I'm not a very good writer nor am I smooth with words and the blogs would take a few months to complete maybe longer. This would...
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I'm quite bored on my days off from work. I've got nothing much to do. I don't like the people around town. I hate seeing people I've known for many years. I've shut myself out from making new friends thinking they'll be the same as all the rest. I want to do things with people but when I ask my current friends, they're either too...
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I've decided to go out and get me a nice prime rib dinner since the tractor pull was canceled. I'll be going by myself as usual. It's perfectly fine though. I've been used to it. I hope the place isn't packed. It is 5pm. That makes it dinner time in my neck of the woods. I'm going to get my food on. What about you?
That's the name of a movie with Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew David McConaughey. It was released in 2006 and was about a man who still lived with his parents at age 35.
Back in my day, if you lived with your parents past age 18, you were made fun of. Laughed at. Teased. Doctors even had a word for it. Girls wouldn't date guys...
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I have some extra spending money. I've listed all the things I could do with it. It's that exciting moment when you when the cash but don't know what to do with it. So it sits there staring at you, what should I spend my bonus cash on? I'm at a loss on what to do with it. If I had the time, I know...
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Been looking forward to going to my first ever tractor pull with a buddy of mine now for about 2 months. It might not happen though due to rain. I'm not particularly fond of spending about 50 bucks (food drink ticket gas etc.) watching tractors pull whatever for about 2 hours, but doing something with someone is better then staying at home alone doing nothing.
I narrowly lost my roadkill virginity to a little raccoon. Actually it was huge! That fucker must have ate someone's steroids.
I've been driving long distances to work and back for years. At least half the time it has been dark out. I probably should have killed many animals by now. I've had quite a few near misses. Mostly from deer. But I'm still a...
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. . . I'm online daily. That's daily not all day. If you need to vent I'm a good listener. I'm not the best with words nor am I a wise person but I'll listen. I'll give advice and it may not be the best advice but I'll do what I can to help. If you need to talk, send me a message. It doesn't...
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