I wish I could tell when a girl likes me....of course, then I have to have the courage to do something about it.
every two years or so i feel the need to move...to change everything around me. as though i need to escape from my own life. times up.
there was a day of free entry for the downtown museums this weekend. i spent most of my time in the fine arts museum. i really like those amazon women carved in white on the sides of the Sarcophagus. i did not realize just how much of art is the nude human.
in a stange land with it's strange inhabitants. i will find friends but i am a bit slower at it than most. my best friend is my little nephew and i got to visit him resently so my mood is better. that and i have a desent Trig. professor. the teacher makes all the difference in level of fun.

Thank you for the comment on my story. I hope you read more of them. I do love to write!

i need to find a way to be something other than miserable or bored.
i am not being comforted or challenged by my environment.
i hate holidays making feel obligated to do something or act a curtain way.
wow, my fowl mood has no end.
i am not being comforted or challenged by my environment.
i hate holidays making feel obligated to do something or act a curtain way.
wow, my fowl mood has no end.
below is the comment I returned to you on the LGBT group post you replied to about...an eon ago. lol. I wasn't checking it by the time you wrote, but SG has a new little dinglehopper that allows you to see all new updates to your threads...
anyway. so! where in TX are you? I'm in Austin for the next two weeks..such a great town.
hmm. seems you draw energy off of being in an abysmal mood? or else you wouldn't be this way? I could be wrong of course...
ok, so here my reply to your comment and thanks again:
Thank you! haha, WOW it's been forever since I checked this post...I'll check the book out.
when you give your preference re: emails vs. story form, have you read any other books with heaps or based only on emails? and yes aboslutely, having fatality read the book has really opened my eyes to just how much needs to be explained. and thanks for the encouragement. yay!
below is the comment I returned to you on the LGBT group post you replied to about...an eon ago. lol. I wasn't checking it by the time you wrote, but SG has a new little dinglehopper that allows you to see all new updates to your threads...
anyway. so! where in TX are you? I'm in Austin for the next two weeks..such a great town.
hmm. seems you draw energy off of being in an abysmal mood? or else you wouldn't be this way? I could be wrong of course...
ok, so here my reply to your comment and thanks again:
Thank you! haha, WOW it's been forever since I checked this post...I'll check the book out.
when you give your preference re: emails vs. story form, have you read any other books with heaps or based only on emails? and yes aboslutely, having fatality read the book has really opened my eyes to just how much needs to be explained. and thanks for the encouragement. yay!
*hands you a cupcake and a iris*
hope things are good - in however you define it.

i think i might be able to meet some bdsm people in person. the group on this site was my first and i am glad to have it but i want to get out there and learn the things i cannot just read about...you know. so i hope i can actually find this meeting i read about on-line.
reminder to self: a cook wants to...
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reminder to self: a cook wants to...
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There's really nothing like it, meeting with bdsm people in person. It's very educational, both in technique & application, but also just being in a group where it's not some big secret, where it's the norm. It's like...well, it's like untying a tight corset, and being able to take a deep breath.
So, it's a meeting first, and not a party? That's great too. My first contact with a bdsm group here was at a Meet-n-Greet at a local Bar/Tapas cafe. People talked about everything, bdsm related & otherwise. Plus the BDSM community in general take pride in sharing knowledge. I asked soooo many questions without being made to feel stupid.
I hope you have fun!
So, it's a meeting first, and not a party? That's great too. My first contact with a bdsm group here was at a Meet-n-Greet at a local Bar/Tapas cafe. People talked about everything, bdsm related & otherwise. Plus the BDSM community in general take pride in sharing knowledge. I asked soooo many questions without being made to feel stupid.
I hope you have fun!