Seriously think it's time to get a tattoo

Who has two thumbs and is ready for this week to already be over?........ This fucking guy right here


Went to work at 8 last night got off at 8 this morning... Have to go back and do it all over again for 5 more nights.... Hopefully I can sleep more than 2 hours today


I really need to get back on track and start eating better again..... But the damn cookies keep calling my name!


Seriously don't ever feel like what I do is good enough....

I know that feeling :/
Yea it's a universal thing..... Just bums me out sometimes lol


The time has gone away
It's slipped through my hands
It seems like yesterday
I was a much younger man
Now all I feel inside is grey
Cause I'm filled with disease
The cancer has come
To take what's left of me
They say I don't have long
Before my time is gone
That I should make amends
With all my family and friends...
Read More

I hate feeling like I have a lot to say but I don't know how to put it into words


finally home from work after a long night.... Feeling pretty accomplished so that's always good! Now it's time to play with the baby girl for awhile and then catch some zzzzz's


Fixing to go to work.... Gonna be a long night.....wondering why I keep volunteering for this shit....


God I'm so behind on my music listening I feel like I will never get caught up.

I can't stop listening to Bastille though specially bad blood it is constantly playing in my head