Hello all. I've been gone for a while. It looks like i'lll be around a bit more often, for a couple reasons.
I got a DUI. I hit a pole. Totaled my car. Got a concussion. You know, the usual.
So, i'll be avoiding going out and not really be able to go anywhere considering the fact that i live in the middle of nowhere.
Consequently, i could very possibly lose my job that is 40 miles away from my home with no way to get there. I could possibly transfer to a closer location, but there are a lot of factors, and i'll just have to see what happens. With no job, i'll undoubtedly be online more often. Given that i steal my internet, you don't have to worry about that getting turned off with me having no job, unless my neighbor wises up.
If i can avoid getting fired, i might be able to take a month long leave of absence for the mandatory 30 day period where i won't be able to get a permit to get to work. It's a solution that works, if you consider not having any income for a month "Working". We'll see on that one. Again, it would leave me with more computer time.
Also, Meaney has worked his magic once again and saved the day by fixing my laptop so i can actually move it from it's stationary position under my tv. All of these factors ensure that you'll be seeing more of my not-so-smiley face around these parts. I'll work on the smiley part, but life is kinda shitting all over me at this point. (Not that it's not deserved, i fucked up and here come the consequences). So yea.
What's new with you? Been gettin naked? Making babies? Making music? All three at the same time? Let the Pooh know what's up with you kids.
I got a DUI. I hit a pole. Totaled my car. Got a concussion. You know, the usual.
So, i'll be avoiding going out and not really be able to go anywhere considering the fact that i live in the middle of nowhere.
Consequently, i could very possibly lose my job that is 40 miles away from my home with no way to get there. I could possibly transfer to a closer location, but there are a lot of factors, and i'll just have to see what happens. With no job, i'll undoubtedly be online more often. Given that i steal my internet, you don't have to worry about that getting turned off with me having no job, unless my neighbor wises up.
If i can avoid getting fired, i might be able to take a month long leave of absence for the mandatory 30 day period where i won't be able to get a permit to get to work. It's a solution that works, if you consider not having any income for a month "Working". We'll see on that one. Again, it would leave me with more computer time.
Also, Meaney has worked his magic once again and saved the day by fixing my laptop so i can actually move it from it's stationary position under my tv. All of these factors ensure that you'll be seeing more of my not-so-smiley face around these parts. I'll work on the smiley part, but life is kinda shitting all over me at this point. (Not that it's not deserved, i fucked up and here come the consequences). So yea.
What's new with you? Been gettin naked? Making babies? Making music? All three at the same time? Let the Pooh know what's up with you kids.
you can petition to drive to and from work only.