My mustache is gone.
But never fear, it has vowed to return when the world once again calls for it's help. Until then, the world is a little colder place. For my upper lip.
The Redhead and i are officially Official. Well, TommyPants and MiniMeaney , the child and Dag of Meaney and MrsMeaney still need to approve, but it's just a matter of time. And gas prices. Sorry, no more name dropping, i promise.
I've lost 20 pounds in a month and a half. Jakeypooh is just as cuddley, but now with 10% less fat!
I'm preparing an outline for a book i'm going to write. More on that later.
My mother has officially moved to colorado. I think Panda should go be all over that.
I saw Velvet Revolver last night, and it was awesome. They played about 7 new songs, and they sounded fairly awesome. Scott Wieland is still the most commanding stage presence i've ever seen...that guy is a beast. A very Sexy beast.
That's pretty much all i got for you....oh yea....except...
I'm moving to NaperThrill , IL in August. That should be fun. Come party.

The Redhead and i are officially Official. Well, TommyPants and MiniMeaney , the child and Dag of Meaney and MrsMeaney still need to approve, but it's just a matter of time. And gas prices. Sorry, no more name dropping, i promise.
I've lost 20 pounds in a month and a half. Jakeypooh is just as cuddley, but now with 10% less fat!
I'm preparing an outline for a book i'm going to write. More on that later.
My mother has officially moved to colorado. I think Panda should go be all over that.
I saw Velvet Revolver last night, and it was awesome. They played about 7 new songs, and they sounded fairly awesome. Scott Wieland is still the most commanding stage presence i've ever seen...that guy is a beast. A very Sexy beast.
That's pretty much all i got for you....oh yea....except...
I'm moving to NaperThrill , IL in August. That should be fun. Come party.
there... now you have two comments.
send us pictures of you and the MISSUS so we can get a feel for her and what not.
take care bro.
Jakeypooh is just as cuddley, but now with 10% less fat!
But are you less filling?