in case you wondered if my friends and i were nerds or's conclusive proof. I come in at the end, on the ONLY SINGLE occasion i've EVER worn a hat other than backwards or forwards. Enjoy. I'm "Jake C". Batman Begins was awesome.
I digress.
I Vigited Meaney, andMrsMeaney...not to mention MrsMeaney's Gorgeous friend louise this weekend when we all got drunk and saw the Smoking Popes, who rocked. If they had only played some Duvall mateirial, and if i had only gotten some hot drunk louise ass, the weekend would have been complete. However, Even though loiuse was super wasted, she wasn't drunk enough to make enough poor decisions to end up with me. And even though i was mildly wasted, i wasn't sexy enough for the popes to play any "sideband material" for us. It's probably for the best. Who needs a hot girl calling you all the time and "talking" and whatnot , or sweetass bands aknowledging their past glory in song form to fully complete your night. psssh.
Tommypants, the offspring of Meaney and Mrsmeaney, is f'n awesome. He's now gaining control of some motor functions, and it's pretty sweet to witness. I'll be there to teach him his first "C" chord. Until then, my "honorary god father" title is pretty useless.
Anywho, i have to take this exam to fully be promoted from "worthless" to "Fairly worthless" at my job next tuesday. The promotion after this one is where i can actually make some money, so let's keep our fingers crossed that the world need's more managers of sandwhich shoppes. I know i went to school for something.
Anywho, listen to Brand New, and the new Alkaline Trio album. they will rock your pants off, assuming you are wearing any.
I digress.
I Vigited Meaney, andMrsMeaney...not to mention MrsMeaney's Gorgeous friend louise this weekend when we all got drunk and saw the Smoking Popes, who rocked. If they had only played some Duvall mateirial, and if i had only gotten some hot drunk louise ass, the weekend would have been complete. However, Even though loiuse was super wasted, she wasn't drunk enough to make enough poor decisions to end up with me. And even though i was mildly wasted, i wasn't sexy enough for the popes to play any "sideband material" for us. It's probably for the best. Who needs a hot girl calling you all the time and "talking" and whatnot , or sweetass bands aknowledging their past glory in song form to fully complete your night. psssh.
Tommypants, the offspring of Meaney and Mrsmeaney, is f'n awesome. He's now gaining control of some motor functions, and it's pretty sweet to witness. I'll be there to teach him his first "C" chord. Until then, my "honorary god father" title is pretty useless.
Anywho, i have to take this exam to fully be promoted from "worthless" to "Fairly worthless" at my job next tuesday. The promotion after this one is where i can actually make some money, so let's keep our fingers crossed that the world need's more managers of sandwhich shoppes. I know i went to school for something.
Anywho, listen to Brand New, and the new Alkaline Trio album. they will rock your pants off, assuming you are wearing any.

Although if anyone is going to make puking look hot, it would be Louise.
My sister is DYING over this picture..