This week has been out of control.
My computer is hanging by a thread. I may have to sellout and have Meaney build me a Mac.
My car is DONE. I apparently blew a head gasket, and the temp got so hot, it cracked the block. :eek work is 30 miles away. i need to get to work to get money for a new car. i need a car to work. Catch 22's rock.
After 10 months of not communicating with me at all, the girl i've loved forever sent me a message. I'll give you the backstory:
We went out. it was good. she's cute and blonde and short and bites her bottom lip. The distance we lived apart got to us, and it ended on uncertian terms. years later, after being friends and still carrying feelings for one another, she finally splits up with her newest boyfriend, a guy who treats her like shit. Let me explain something, I HATE it when guys treat girls like shit, and it's a thousand times worse when it's the one girl i would find a way to bottle the sun for. ( i don't know where that saying just came from, just roll with it.) So i explain to her how great she is and how shitty this guy treats her. She's really confused and emotional, but i can tell her and i are starting to click again. we hang out a bunch of times, and old feelings get stirred up. then, out of the blue - not a word from her. i soon piece together that she got back with the fuckface, and i haven't heard from her since early december of last year. i randomly call her every couple months just to see if she'll respond, to no avail. Then the other day i randomly emailed her. a simple "Hi". and this is what i got.
"I am at work now, but there will be a longer response once i get home from class!! But i will give you the gist, so you dont think im a huge bitch. So...i wrote this letter to you [in december] about how i thought i loved you and thought maybe we could give it another chance. Well, Danny and I had broke up and then got back together and then he found the note I wrote. He freaked out and made me promise to cut things off with you. I know that it is shitty that i have, but then again if danny had been in the same situation i would have make him cut things off too. I just felt like i loved danny and was still in love with you. A shitty situation all around and it's still really confusing. Im sorry i have been such a shitty friend. I hope you know that i still care about you! I will write more tonight when little kids aren't running all around me.
Sorry that was so confusing and short, though. I promise, more later
So yea. Why even write the note? If she just continued to not respond i could have just written her off as a bitch, and i had surmised that danny made her cut things off with me anyway...but now this letter that could have been is in my head. Any ideas on how to even begin to respond to any of this?
I don't know. I'm not down about it at all, because this is the one person who seems to revolve in and out of my life...but i'll always have a thing for her, so it's probably not good for my head or heart that i found out she felt that way in december, when i thought there was no chance ever again.
So yea, if you know of any good websites to search for used cars, let me know.
And if you know of any hitmen that will take out a pesky boyfriend of an ex, let me know also.
This week has been out of control.
My computer is hanging by a thread. I may have to sellout and have Meaney build me a Mac.

My car is DONE. I apparently blew a head gasket, and the temp got so hot, it cracked the block. :eek work is 30 miles away. i need to get to work to get money for a new car. i need a car to work. Catch 22's rock.

After 10 months of not communicating with me at all, the girl i've loved forever sent me a message. I'll give you the backstory:
We went out. it was good. she's cute and blonde and short and bites her bottom lip. The distance we lived apart got to us, and it ended on uncertian terms. years later, after being friends and still carrying feelings for one another, she finally splits up with her newest boyfriend, a guy who treats her like shit. Let me explain something, I HATE it when guys treat girls like shit, and it's a thousand times worse when it's the one girl i would find a way to bottle the sun for. ( i don't know where that saying just came from, just roll with it.) So i explain to her how great she is and how shitty this guy treats her. She's really confused and emotional, but i can tell her and i are starting to click again. we hang out a bunch of times, and old feelings get stirred up. then, out of the blue - not a word from her. i soon piece together that she got back with the fuckface, and i haven't heard from her since early december of last year. i randomly call her every couple months just to see if she'll respond, to no avail. Then the other day i randomly emailed her. a simple "Hi". and this is what i got.
"I am at work now, but there will be a longer response once i get home from class!! But i will give you the gist, so you dont think im a huge bitch. So...i wrote this letter to you [in december] about how i thought i loved you and thought maybe we could give it another chance. Well, Danny and I had broke up and then got back together and then he found the note I wrote. He freaked out and made me promise to cut things off with you. I know that it is shitty that i have, but then again if danny had been in the same situation i would have make him cut things off too. I just felt like i loved danny and was still in love with you. A shitty situation all around and it's still really confusing. Im sorry i have been such a shitty friend. I hope you know that i still care about you! I will write more tonight when little kids aren't running all around me.
Sorry that was so confusing and short, though. I promise, more later

So yea. Why even write the note? If she just continued to not respond i could have just written her off as a bitch, and i had surmised that danny made her cut things off with me anyway...but now this letter that could have been is in my head. Any ideas on how to even begin to respond to any of this?

I don't know. I'm not down about it at all, because this is the one person who seems to revolve in and out of my life...but i'll always have a thing for her, so it's probably not good for my head or heart that i found out she felt that way in december, when i thought there was no chance ever again.
So yea, if you know of any good websites to search for used cars, let me know.
And if you know of any hitmen that will take out a pesky boyfriend of an ex, let me know also.

xoxox a
(but i also prefer crue, except for CeCe, i love CeCe.