First, my Roadtrip to Boston to see Dane Cook.

So the first night, after 16 hours of driving, theroomates and i got there, along with Eugene's brother Beast, and Eugene's girlfriend, Nottobenamed.
We went to a Sox game. Fenway rocked.
Then, drinking insued.
Armed with 42 Milwaukee's Best (The Beast) , several 5ths of captain, and other assorted drinkery, the party began.
Here's Me serenading The Beast while he's drinking a beast. I have no excuse for the rampant Aviators in this post.
Being a diehard Red Sox fan, TylerDurden086 had a blast. Needless to say, at some point on the trip, we were all fairly intoxicated.
So yea, good times. Dane was fucking hilarious. 2.5 hours of one man being funnier than anyone i've ever heard of. It was outrageous. Due to the massive amount of beer that i consumed, i had to get up to pee a lot. And the show's kinda hazy. Just ask TylerDurden086, he was in rare form that night.
So i get back monday to find out that my payroll check from the bistro bounced, causing $100 dollars in fees since i took out a butt load of money for vacation.
I got 1/3 of it dropped from the bank, but i had a huge confrontation with one of my bosses over it, causing dissention in Team Bistro.
Then, two days later, i showed up 1 hour late. What can i say, i'm not a morning person - 10am shifts and i don't get along.
"Asshole Terry" promptly fired me, stating "You're done" about 12 times in 45 seconds.
I called his son, the actual owner, "CoolBrendan" and promptly got unfired.
However, i was given a week off as a slap on the wrist. So i've been looking for new employent.
So at the bar this tueday, i ran into neighbor/buddy phil, who just started working rasiing funds for a police officer organization. I Promptly sold out my beliefs and rasied money for cops...while soliciting money over the phone. If you live in illinois, you're a target. My first day was yesterday. It involved being aggressive (if you know me, guess how well that worked out) and commanding, and kind of a dick.
I Quit this horrifying job today, and plan on calling the 350+ people i bothered yesterday to apologize. I turned into the enemy, and for that, i am ashamed.
Other than that, i'm reading Cell, enjoying my week off while attmpting to find employment. Oh yea, i picked up the new Buckcherry CD, 15, and it is amazing. One of the last great rock bands, no joke. Joshua Todd is my father. I have no evidence, but i'm gonna trick him into doing a paternity test, and i'll let you know the results.
Adalynn is still pretty. Really pretty. And i'm gonna win her out of MessyJessy's arms if it's the last thing i do. Maybe i'll buy a star or something and name it after her, then send her the coordinates and schematics of where exactly the star is, so whenever she looks in the sky, she'll think of me. Yea, that's what i'll do. Don't steal my misguided creepy idea!!! It's all mine.
Peace out.
what about you?
By the way, I LOVE you. Thanks for the very awesome comment you left me. You truly are a good friend and good person. I miss you, come visit dammitt!!!!