While doing laundry yesterday, i had an epiphany. And now i have a question: If you were ONE item of clothing, what would it be? I would be the lone sock.
(P.S. NOT my real sock. I don't even wanna know what's on the one pictured above...)
Sure, my mate ran away or was lost in the abyss of the washer forever. Perhaps the lint trap opened up and transported the other sock to the land of Narnia.
I still have character, and hope one day that my other half will appear. Sometimes i get washed just for the hell of it. Sometimes i get washed to see if the other will magically show up. Sometimes i get washed with the hopes of dissapearing myself.
One day the other sock will show up, and i'll get worn again. Oh glorious day.
and no, not this type of sock...(not for the squeamish)
Although that is me wearing it...