i got a haircut this afternoon. I'm not sure the attention i got was really worth $65 but i suppose the hairdresser was pissed off i hadn't been for 6 months. so now my hair is back off my shoulders. we'll see the verdict ov erthe next few days.
I just missed my first ballet class so i'm off to get fishnchips and cycle along st kilda beach (with helmet this time)
and i bought a ticket for La Fura dels Baus XXX.
"XXX is based on Philosophy in the Boudoir by de Sade, in which a young woman is sexually initiated at the hands of a group of libertines. XXX is sexual, emotional and psychological dynamite, ignited by a profound and spectacular audio-visual barrage that is inescapable and awe-inspiring."
could be exciting or could be one of the things that make me sad (see my profile).
I just missed my first ballet class so i'm off to get fishnchips and cycle along st kilda beach (with helmet this time)
and i bought a ticket for La Fura dels Baus XXX.
"XXX is based on Philosophy in the Boudoir by de Sade, in which a young woman is sexually initiated at the hands of a group of libertines. XXX is sexual, emotional and psychological dynamite, ignited by a profound and spectacular audio-visual barrage that is inescapable and awe-inspiring."
could be exciting or could be one of the things that make me sad (see my profile).
shame about the play. i think some of the SGAust. members were gonna hook up to see it.
you a dancer?
I can't believe you didn't go to the St Kilda festival and you live there! crazy!
Hmmm skipping your first class... naughty naughty