"This one tastes like the cow was in an onion patch"
"i caught you a delicious bass..wanna play me?"
I'm surprized my head doesn't hurt. I think bush, is... iusing the least amount of thinking and energy..... a dumbass, and I'm sad he will be representing us for another four years. All I can do now is hope that he takes a few english classes and wises up a bit. It's funny that a lot of republicans that voted for him polled that they...
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missed you last night; though, even for all the beer that was drunk it was more of a somber occasion.
yea but most of all i cant beleive there are fuckin idiots who try an justify him..retards..that lion shit is hilarious.
I'm in need of some form of inspiration. Perhaps a complete change of diet will help. Maybe I'll try to get my PH level a couple points to the alkaline side instead of it's home for the last 26 years lingering slightly I'm sure on the acidic.
In short; my lifes' once sopping wet cloths of passion seem to be wringing themselves out, and I...
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In short; my lifes' once sopping wet cloths of passion seem to be wringing themselves out, and I...
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Sorry dood, I was sorta drunk last night. ! .
I felt tired ALL day. Going to bed soon. early.
Have any thing going on this weekend?
Drinking is in order.
Thanks for the late night tho
I felt tired ALL day. Going to bed soon. early.
Have any thing going on this weekend?
Drinking is in order.
Thanks for the late night tho
This place is about the best place to vent almost anything and feel better. It's just like the airport. Everyone has thier own baggage. Some check it and others carry on.
Alright, I'm hung over, screw that halloween poetry thing I was doing, I have no patience. My head pounds, my throat is dry, my landlords realitor came by early to show people the place, in my head all I could do is laugh, they were in my bedroom when I woke up and was pretending to sleep, immediately I was like fuck it, got up...
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gary's sellin the house?..you still have some of that chronic you got from here?..
Goddamn...were you warned of these visitors? I'd be mightily pissed, personally.
I don't know that I'd say democracy's been changing; our system never really worked for everyone, it's just gone from screwing over particular groups in particular ways to screwing over 90% of the population in the same way. Well, more of less. I don't feel like going into political science rants right now...argh.
I don't know that I'd say democracy's been changing; our system never really worked for everyone, it's just gone from screwing over particular groups in particular ways to screwing over 90% of the population in the same way. Well, more of less. I don't feel like going into political science rants right now...argh.
Part 4 of 8
My sweat is like a waterfall
My face, a wall of rock and stone
Am I dead?
What happened in the alley
Then, there it was, I only had
one arm, my other had been torn off
now everything bloody and red
I begin to scream and fall to my feet
I witnessed my belly slit and gutted
It was all...
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My sweat is like a waterfall
My face, a wall of rock and stone
Am I dead?
What happened in the alley
Then, there it was, I only had
one arm, my other had been torn off
now everything bloody and red
I begin to scream and fall to my feet
I witnessed my belly slit and gutted
It was all...
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dude the photoshop has expired. i still dont know how to compress images. dude i havent learned shit about macs!..im dumb jake, im dumb..
he's got a pretty dense body of work, all about the Cthulu and such, deep dark evil stuff. Dagon and In the Mouth of Madness are two movies I have seen, but alot of writers credit him, including Steven King.
Let me know whens a good time to call you, I dont like interrupting people at work and stuff. Later
Let me know whens a good time to call you, I dont like interrupting people at work and stuff. Later
Part 3 of 8
I woke up in what felt like a tundra
The land was vast and empty
In the distance a mirage shimmered
Glisting like an underwater flame
I walked slowly, kicking litlle blue rocks
Where was I, what had happened
Thoughts trembled inside
Panic pushing my legs to run
There was nothing, no sound
only my hello screaming echo
12 hours went...
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I woke up in what felt like a tundra
The land was vast and empty
In the distance a mirage shimmered
Glisting like an underwater flame
I walked slowly, kicking litlle blue rocks
Where was I, what had happened
Thoughts trembled inside
Panic pushing my legs to run
There was nothing, no sound
only my hello screaming echo
12 hours went...
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Nice pic...
yes, surdyks...but its over now, ha, ha, ha
yes, surdyks...but its over now, ha, ha, ha
Part 2 of 8
I feel these eyes watching me
Stalking my thoughts and movements
This night, everything feels wrong
All is quiet execpt for our footsteps
I know something is malicious and evil
something smells like excavated flesh
the wind shatters and howls pushing me to a jaunt,
the moon is still full, my only street light
as I splash through water and broken...
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I feel these eyes watching me
Stalking my thoughts and movements
This night, everything feels wrong
All is quiet execpt for our footsteps
I know something is malicious and evil
something smells like excavated flesh
the wind shatters and howls pushing me to a jaunt,
the moon is still full, my only street light
as I splash through water and broken...
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Deciding, say what I'm deciding
Dripping, dripping down downer than down
watching my life on a shelf
frames aligned at 45 degrees on my mothers mantle
theres a shadow from a skeleton
it hits the bright side of my closet
and tonight it will be gone
less the moon is full again
and I open my curtains
perhaps even the window to let you in...
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Dripping, dripping down downer than down
watching my life on a shelf
frames aligned at 45 degrees on my mothers mantle
theres a shadow from a skeleton
it hits the bright side of my closet
and tonight it will be gone
less the moon is full again
and I open my curtains
perhaps even the window to let you in...
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Wow, talk about being drunk. Just caught the show with mark. I stayed a little later, got to talk some shit with the har mar and his fabulous bass player. If I wasn'nt grounded in reality I woulda fallin in love with her.
Wish I would've stayed. But alas, I wasn't right to be drivin either dood. Maybe next time. Come over to St. Paul for some drinkin.
hey jake..breakfast at the cc club tomorrow, if you have had your head up your bum and didn't see it in the group posting..
miss you too.

miss you too.
Tonight it's music, no pictures, no movies, no more internet or email or work, nothing but music
Not think about getting laid? Did you have your guy gland removed?

Dood. Lets get a drink soon.
I feel like a zombie, looking for the flesh of ambition. Going back to work after vacation is like a severe case of jetlag. I have Fuji to keep me company. Visiting Montana was nice, got to stay with a good old friend I have not drank with in a couple years. Saw the mountains, saw some wildlife, yeah it was great, I want to...
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yea man, it was on that lousy bike. fuck that thing. you need two pedals when youre wasted. thats bullshit. how are the pics of the trip?
dude i didnt even realize till you left how fun it was havin you and fuji around. the week went by too fast. jeff moved out. keith an i are cleanin the shit outta the place. were goin to the molly brown to get some beers and we were wishin you were still around to join us. man, thanks for comin out. i just about laugh myself to death rememberin all the fucked up shit you an i have done together..oh, man, its fuckin hilarious..holla atta playa.