"Career Opportunities" - The Clash
They offered me the office, offered me the shop
They said I'd better take anything they'd got
Do you wanna make tea at the BBC?
Do you wanna be, do you really wanna be a cop?
Career opportunities are the ones that never knock
Every job they offer you is to keep you out the dock
Career opportunity, the ones that never knock
I hate the army an' I hate the R.A.F.
I don't wanna go fighting in the tropical heat
I hate the civil service rules
And I won't open letter bombs for you
Bus driver....ambulance man....ticket inspector
They're gonna have to introduce conscription
They're gonna have to take away my prescription
If they wanna get me making toys
If they wanna get me, well, I got no choice
Ain't never gonna knock
Looking for work again. You know, I think I have spent more time in my life looking for work than actually working, especially if I don't count school as work (as I have spent more time in college than anything else by far). And I absolutely hate looking for jobs. I send out resume after resume, walk the streets filling out applications anywhere I can, always following up with phone calls if permitted, all in hopes of not ending up back in a taxi cab with a gun stuck in the back of my neck, but that
s exactly where I always end up, because it doesn't matter if I got a BA way back in '89 and had a couple of good jobs soon after. It's now 2006 and all my desperate attempts to get a degree that would actually get me a permanent job have come to nothing but $90K in student loans and a lot of dashed hopes. Employers take one look at my employment history, see almost ten years of driving taxis, and throw my resume in the shredder. I'm just a fuckin' cabbie. If I really apply myself, I might get a job driving a transportation van and finally have the security of a paycheck. Quite frankly, that would be heaven. Or, my worst fear might come to pass and I will end up with my brains splattered all over the dashboard and a toothpick hanging from my mouth and the sons-o-bitches won't even get life-imprisonment because after all it was just another worthless taxi driver that got shot...
I fucking hate looking for work. I hate asking a business if they are hiring and being handed an application that I know will never be reviewed. If a place isn't hiring, why can't they just fucking say so? I hate interviews and all those stupid questions that are rattled off like the interviewer is just a robot no matter how hard I try to make the process a little more human. It didn't used to be so bad when bosses used to do their own hiring, but now everyone has a human resources department where the people who know how to hire are, even if they don't happen to know anything about the jobs they are hiring for. It's getting even worse now what with companies completely outsourcing human resources. I mean, Jasus, do I really want to work for a company that can't even find the time to hire it's own people? Sometimes ... most of the time ... no - everytime I gointo an interview, I just feel like smashing open the head of the person behind the desk to see if they have brain tissue in there or wires!
I fucking hate looking for work!!!
They offered me the office, offered me the shop
They said I'd better take anything they'd got
Do you wanna make tea at the BBC?
Do you wanna be, do you really wanna be a cop?
Career opportunities are the ones that never knock
Every job they offer you is to keep you out the dock
Career opportunity, the ones that never knock
I hate the army an' I hate the R.A.F.
I don't wanna go fighting in the tropical heat
I hate the civil service rules
And I won't open letter bombs for you
Bus driver....ambulance man....ticket inspector
They're gonna have to introduce conscription
They're gonna have to take away my prescription
If they wanna get me making toys
If they wanna get me, well, I got no choice
Ain't never gonna knock
Looking for work again. You know, I think I have spent more time in my life looking for work than actually working, especially if I don't count school as work (as I have spent more time in college than anything else by far). And I absolutely hate looking for jobs. I send out resume after resume, walk the streets filling out applications anywhere I can, always following up with phone calls if permitted, all in hopes of not ending up back in a taxi cab with a gun stuck in the back of my neck, but that
s exactly where I always end up, because it doesn't matter if I got a BA way back in '89 and had a couple of good jobs soon after. It's now 2006 and all my desperate attempts to get a degree that would actually get me a permanent job have come to nothing but $90K in student loans and a lot of dashed hopes. Employers take one look at my employment history, see almost ten years of driving taxis, and throw my resume in the shredder. I'm just a fuckin' cabbie. If I really apply myself, I might get a job driving a transportation van and finally have the security of a paycheck. Quite frankly, that would be heaven. Or, my worst fear might come to pass and I will end up with my brains splattered all over the dashboard and a toothpick hanging from my mouth and the sons-o-bitches won't even get life-imprisonment because after all it was just another worthless taxi driver that got shot...
I fucking hate looking for work. I hate asking a business if they are hiring and being handed an application that I know will never be reviewed. If a place isn't hiring, why can't they just fucking say so? I hate interviews and all those stupid questions that are rattled off like the interviewer is just a robot no matter how hard I try to make the process a little more human. It didn't used to be so bad when bosses used to do their own hiring, but now everyone has a human resources department where the people who know how to hire are, even if they don't happen to know anything about the jobs they are hiring for. It's getting even worse now what with companies completely outsourcing human resources. I mean, Jasus, do I really want to work for a company that can't even find the time to hire it's own people? Sometimes ... most of the time ... no - everytime I gointo an interview, I just feel like smashing open the head of the person behind the desk to see if they have brain tissue in there or wires!
I fucking hate looking for work!!!

fuck it. marry me and get a green card and come to canada.
hahah no. i don't think i've ever seen a polar bear. but it is snowing right now. =(