So I was at Meijer, standing in the beer aisle. There was another guy in the aisle, looking at the beer too. I sort of looked in his direction, and he looked at me...and winked.
It was weird. I don't mean to imply my reaction was "OMG HE IS TEH GHEY HE WANTS TO S3X0R ME" or anything along those lines. It was more like "Why the fuck is he winking at me?" It wasn't like a sort of flirty wink; it was just this weird little winky type motion of the eye. It didn't upset or disturb me as much as it just confused me.
Oh well, he wasn't cute anyway.
It was weird. I don't mean to imply my reaction was "OMG HE IS TEH GHEY HE WANTS TO S3X0R ME" or anything along those lines. It was more like "Why the fuck is he winking at me?" It wasn't like a sort of flirty wink; it was just this weird little winky type motion of the eye. It didn't upset or disturb me as much as it just confused me.
Oh well, he wasn't cute anyway.

haha that's really funny for some reason... PEOPLE NEVER WINK AT ME AT THE GROCERY STORE!